The Lower House. 461
On Motion, the Question was put, Whether the following Question,
viz. [Whether Leave be given to bring in a Bill for Raising £30,000
for his Majesty's Service, and the more immediate Defence and
Protection of the Frontier Inhabitants of this Province, by a Tax
upon all Ferriages, a Tax upon all Pilots, a Tax upon all Taxables,
with an additional Tax upon Negro Taxables, a Tax of a certain
Sum on Land by the Hundred, a Tax upon all Lucrative Offices, and
Places of Profit, Benefices and Professions, a Tax upon all the
Proprietary's Manors, Reserved and Leased Lands, allowing the
Proprietors of Lands to have a Deduction of Part of the Quit-Rents,
and all Debtors a Deduction of Part of their Debts,] shall be now
put, or Not ? Resolved in the Negative.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 49
Mar. 8
For the Affirmative,
Tilden, Wilson, Henry.
p. 265
Waggaman, Woodward, [5]
For the Negative,
Reeder, Gray, Fraser,
Williamson, Sulivane, T. Gantt,
Hynson, Lecompte, Lloyd,
Rasin, Govane, E. Tilghman,
Hammond, Cockey Deye, Bracco,
Carroll, Owings, Chapline,
Worthington, Baker, E. Dorsey,
J. J. Mackall, Ward, Beatty,
E. Gantt, Dulany, Cresap.
M. Tilghman, Murdock, 29
On Reading the Petition of Thomas Clark and George Scott, of
Prince-George's County ;
Ordered, That Mr. Edward Dorsey, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Lloyd, Col.
Tilghman, and Mr. Hammond, be a Committee to examine the Alle-
gations and Proposals contained in the said Petition, and make
Report thereof to the House.
Mr. James John Mackall having urgent Business to transact, hath
Leave of Absence till Friday.
On Motion, That a Bill be brought in To make it Penal to Counter-
feit the Paper Currency of the neighbouring Colonies, and to utter
such in Payment within this Province; Leave is given :
Ordered, That Mr. Williamson, Mr. Bracco, and Mr. Wilson, do
prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.
The House adjourns till the Morrow Morning at 8 of the Clock.