Samuel Chamberlaine, Esq; and Colonel Tasker, from the Upper
House, acquaint Mr. Speaker, That the Governor requires the At-
tendance of the Lower House of Assembly immediately in the Council
Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and (with the Rest of the Members of
the Lower House) went to the Council Chamber; where his Excel-
lency the Governor made the following Speech, viz.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
I have thought fit, with the Advice of his Lordship's Council of
State, to Prorogue this Assembly to Thursday the Twenty-third
Day of this Instant March; and you are to take Notice you are
Prorogued to that Day accordingly.
So Endeth this Convention in Assembly, this 9th Day of March,
in the Seventh Year of his Lordship's Dominion, and in the Year
of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-eight.
Test. M. Macnemara, Cl. Lo. Ho.
[No acts were passed at this session]
L. H. J.
Liber No. 49
Mar. 9