144 Assembly Proceedings, April 8-May 9, 1757.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
be above that Burthen, with Condition to the same annexed, that he
or they shall not Land the Cargo of such Ships or Vessels in any
other Ports or Places than such as belong to his Majesty, or are
of the Deliv-
ery to be
in Possession of his Subjects; and shall produce a Certificate thereof
to the Naval-Officer taking such Bond, within Twelve Months after
such taking or putting on board (the Danger of the Seas excepted),
from the Chief Officer of the Customs of such Port or Place, for
which such Ship or Vessel shall Clear out; or if it shall be at a Port
or Place where there is no Officer of the Customs, then from the
Chief Magistrate, that the said Cargoes have been actually Landed
there accordingly. And in Case any Person or Persons shall pre-
[ Penalty for
sume, contrary to the Tenor of this Act, to take or put on board any
Ship or Vessel within this Province, any such Ammunition, Warlike
Stores, or Provisions of any Kind or Denomination whatsoever,
without giving such Bond as by this Act is before required and
directed, such Person or Persons shall forfeit the full Value of such
Ammunition, Warlike Stores, and Provisions of what Denomination
so ever the same be, as also the Ship or Vessel transporting or carry-
ing the same, with her Sails, Rigging, Anchors, Cables, Guns, Boats,
and all other Materials to her belonging, to the Right Honourable
the Lord Proprietary, for the Uses and Purposes in this Act hereafter
directed and appointed.
how recov-
ered and
p. 335
And it is hereby Enacted, That the several Forfeitures herein men-
tioned, shall and may be recovered in the Provincial Court of this
Province, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information, or Indictment,
wherein no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law, or more than one
Imparlance, shall be allowed; one Moiety of the said Forfeitures to
the Use of the Informer, or him, her, or them, that Sue for the
same; the other Half to be paid to the Treasurer of the respective
Shore, to be by him accounted for to the General Assembly of this
Province, from Time to Time, and to be by them applied towards
his Majesty's Service, as to them shall seem needful.
tion, &c.
not to be
carried by
And be it further Enacted, That in Case any Person or Persons,
within this Province, shall carry any Ammunition, Warlike Stores, or
Provisions of any Kind or Denomination whatsoever, out of the
same Province, towards the Branches of the Ohio, or over the Alle-
gany Mountains, and the same Sell or Dispose of to the French, or
Others in Trust for their Use, or to their Allies, or any of them,
such Person or Persons shall forfeit and pay to the Right Honourable
the Lord Proprietary, for the Uses in this Act herein beforemen-
tioned, double the Value of such Ammunition, Warlike Stores, or
Provisions of any Kind or Denomination whatsoever, together with
the Horses and Carriages made use of to convey or carry the same,
contrary to the Tenor of this Act. And if any Person or Persons