Acts. 143
Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-eight; by them to be applied to
replacing the aforesaid Sums of Money, by this Act directed to be
paid out by the said Commissioners or Trustees.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
And it is hereby Enacted and Declared, That the Office Bonds of
the several Sheriffs aforesaid, and their Securities, shall be answer-
able for and put in Suit, for any Breach of Duty committed against
this Act.
[Or their
Bonds to be
7th May 1757
On behalf of the Right
7th May 1757
Read and assented to
Honourable the Lord
Read and assented to
by the Lower house of
Proprietary of this Prov-
by the upper house of
ince I will this be a Law
Signed p order
Hor.o Sharpe
Signed p order
MMacnemara Cl lo ho
J Ross Cl. Up Ho
The Great Seal
in Wax app.t
No. 17
An Act to prevent the Exportation or Carrying out of this Province,
Ammunition, Warlike Stores, or Provisions of any Kind, towards
supplying the French or their Allies.
Whereas it is represented to this General Assembly, that the French
and their Allies are supplied with Provisions, Ammunition, and War-
like Stores, by Means of the Trade carried on from his Majesty's
Islands and Colonies, to the Colonies and Settlements in America
belonging to the Dutch, and other Neutral Powers, by which Means
they are the better enabled to carry into Execution their unjust
Schemes upon his Majesty's Dominions, and against his Subjects
on this Part of the Continent: In order, therefore, to prevent as
much as in us lies, for the future, such Evil, it is prayed that it
may be Enacted.
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That from and after the End of this Session of As-
sembly, for and during the Continuance of this Act, it shall not
be lawful for any Person or Persons, within this Province, to take
or put on board any Ship or Vessel any Ammunition, Warlike Stores,
or Provisions of any Kind or Denomination whatsoever, except
p. 334
for the necessary Use of such Ship or Vessel, without first entering
into Bond to the Naval-Officer of the Port where he or they shall
Clear out such Vessel or Vessels, which Naval-Officer is hereby
authorized and required to take such Bond, with Two good and
sufficient Sureties, unto the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
of this Province, in the Sum of One Thousand Pounds Sterling, if
the Ship or Vessel be of less Burthen than One Hundred Tons, and
in the Sum of Two Thousand Pounds Sterling if the Ship or Vessel
tion, &c. not
to be carried
out of the
except Bond
be given, &c.]