126 Assembly Proceedings, April 8-May 9, 1757.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
mentioned, and lay out and apply the same for the Purposes afore-
said, which said Sums of Money the said Commissioners or Trustees
shall, and they are hereby obliged and required immediately on De-
mand, to pay to the said Agents, and regular Accounts thereof keep.
p. 313
And be it further Enacted, That the Bonds given by the said
Agents, in Virtue and according to the Directions of the aforesaid
recited Act, shall stand as, and be deemed to be, a Security for the
Performance of their Duty, by this Act required: And that such
Bonds shall or may be put in Suit in Case of Failure of Duty in any
of the Matters by this Act required, as such Bonds might have been
or may be in Case of Failure of Duty in any of the Matters directed
to be done by them in Virtue of the aforesaid recited Act.
[To keep fair
And be it also Enacted, That the said Agents shall, and they are
hereby directed and required to keep fair, distinct, and regular Ac-
counts of all such Sums of Money as they shall receive in Virtue of
this Act, and how the same has been paid and applied, and the same
shall deliver in upon Oath on or before the Third Day of every
Session, to the General Assembly of this Province. And the said
Agents, for their Trouble in executing and performing their Duty,
by this Act required, shall and may retain in their Hands a Com-
mission of Three Pounds per Centum, and no more, on all such Sums
of Money as they shall receive and apply as aforesaid.
[In Case of
Death, &c.
the Governor
to appoint
an Agent.]
And be it further Enacted, That in Case of the said Agents, or
either of them, or their, or either of their Refusal, to execute the
Trust aforesaid, that then, and in every such Case, it shall and may be
lawful to and for the said Horatio Sharpe, Esq; or the Governor or
Commander in Chief of this Province, for the Time being, by War-
rant under his Hand, to appoint one or more fit Person or Persons,
to be Agent or Agents, in the Stead of such Agent or Agents dying,
or refusing, as aforesaid, who shall have all the Powers and Authori-
ties given to the Agents aforesaid.
Provided always, and be it further Enacted, That such Agent or
Agents, so to be appointed, before he or they take upon him, or
themselves, the Execution of his or their Trust, shall respectively
enter into Bond, before two Provincial Magistrates, with good and
sufficient Securities, jointly and severally, to the Right Honourable
the Lord Proprietary of this Province, each in the Sum of Two
[His Bond.]
Thousand Pounds Current Money, with Condition thereto, in the
following Form, viz. The Condition of the above Obligation is such,
That if the said , shall and do at all Times, so long
as he shall continue in the Office of Agent, for the Purposes men-
tioned and directed in the Act of Assembly, entituled, An Act for
his Majesty's Service, and the more immediate Defence and Pro-
tection of the Frontier Inhabitants of this Province, well and faith-
fully perform and execute the Duty and Trust reposed in him by the