Acts. 125
And be it further Enacted, That if any Person shall, from and
after the End of this Session of Assembly, before the Twenty-fifth
Day of December, Seventeen Hundred and Fifty Seven, harbour or
conceal, or assist any Deserter from the Service aforesaid, knowing
him to be such, or shall knowingly buy, or exchange, or otherwise
receive any Cloaths, Arms, or military Accoutrements, from any
Soldier in, or Deserter from, his Majesty's Service, or the Service
of any of his Colonies in America, the Person so offending shall
forfeit, for such Offence, the Sum of Ten Pounds Current Money.
And be it further Enacted, That every Person that shall Enlist
Liber H. S.
No. 1
[Penalty on
in the Service aforesaid, shall, after his Discharge from the said
Service, upon his producing to the County Court where he shall reside,
a Certificate of his good Behaviour therein, which Certificate the
Clerk of the same Court shall record without Fee or Reward, shall
be exempted from the Payment of all Manner of Taxes or Levies
whatever, as also from the labouring on High-Ways, and from
payment of Ferriages, for the Space of Three Years next after the
producing such Discharge or Certificate.
from Taxes,
&c. on, &c.]
p. 312
And for the Encouragement of such Soldiers as shall adventure
their Lives in the Defence of this Province, and his Majesty's Service,
under this Act, and shall happen to be maimed, or rendered incapable
to get a Livelihood for themselves or Families, Be it Enacted, That
any Person who shall adventure as a Soldier, on any Expedition
for the Defence of this Province, or his Majesty's Service, under
this Act, and shall happen to be maimed or receive Hurt in the
Service aforesaid, so as to be incapable of getting a Livelihood as
aforesaid, shall, according to his Disability, receive a yearly Pension,
to be raised out of the public Levy of this Province, during the Time
of such Disability; the Party petitioning for such Pension or Allow-
ance, procuring a Certificate from the County Court where he shall
reside, that he is an Object of Charity, and deserves to have such
Pension and Allowance.
maimed or
wounded to
have a
And be it further Enacted, That Mr. William Murdock, Mr. James
Dick, and Mr. Daniel Wolstenholme, shall be and are hereby ap-
pointed Agents for the Purposes of this Act, viz. for purchasing
and providing such Cloaths as the Governor or Commander in Chief
of this Province, for the Time being, shall direct, and all other
Necessaries for the said Five Hundred Men, and paying all the
Sums of Money arising due to them in Virtue of this Act, and all
other Charges and Expences that may accrue in Raising, Conveying,
Subsisting, Maintaining, and Supporting, the said Men. And the
said Agents are hereby impowered, by Order of his Excellency
Horatio Sharpe, Esq; or the Governor or Commander in Chief of
this Province, for the Time being, to call for, demand, and receive,
from the Commissioners or Trustees for emitting Bills of Credit,
established by Act of Assembly, the several Sums of Money afore-