Acts. 127
said Act, and do, from Time to Time, render to the General Assem-
bly of this Province, true, just, perfect, and regular Accounts of his
Transactions and Proceedings in Virtue of the same Act, and of
the several and respective Sums of Money by him received from
the Commissioners or Trustees for emitting the Bills of Credit, estab-
Liber H. S.
No. 1
lished by Act of Assembly, and how and for what Particulars the
same are laid out and disposed of, and account for and pay all such
Sums of Money as shall be remaining in his Hands, and not dis-
posed of as the General Assembly of this Province shall direct, that
then the said Obligation to be void, else to be and remain in full
Force and Virtue. And the said Justices shall immediately call
before them the Witnesses to such Bond or Bonds, and cause a
Probate thereof to be made before them, which they shall indorse
on the Back of the said Bond or Bonds, and shall immediately
transmit the said Bond or Bonds to the Clerk of the Provincial
Court, who shall forthwith record the same in the Provincial Land
Records; and after Entry thereof upon Record, deliver the same
immediately to the Clerk of the Council, who is hereby required to
take Charge of the same; and an attested Copy of the said Bond
and Probate, from the said Provincial Records, shall be as good
Evidence in Law to maintain an Action of Debt for the Breach of
the Condition thereof, to all Intents and Purposes, as if the said Bond
or Bonds were actually produced and proved in Court.
p. 314
And be it further Enacted, That the several Fines and Forfeitures
herein before mentioned, shall and may be recovered by Action of
Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, with Costs, in any Court of
Record within this Province, wherein no Essoin, Protection, or
Wager of Law, shall be allowed; one-half thereof to the Informer,
or him, her, or them, that shall sue for the same; the other half
thereof to be paid to the Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid, to
be by them applied to the replacing and sinking the several Sums of
Money granted by the Act first herein recited.
and Applica-
tion of
Fines, &c.l
And where as the frequent Use of Carriages may be necessary;
Be it Enacted, That from and after the End of this Session of
Assembly, until the Twenty-fifth Day of December, Seventeen Hun-
dred and Fifty-seven, when and as often as the Service may require
the carrying of Gunpowder, Shot, Lead, Arms, Cloathing, or any
Military Stores or Accoutrements whatsoever, or Provisions of any
Kind, for Troops in his Majesty's Service in general or of this
Province in particular, there shall be paid the following Rates of
Carriage to the Owner or Owners of all such Carriages as shall be
employed in such Services, viz. For the Hire of every Cart, with
Four Horses, carrying a Load not exceeding Fifteen Hundred
[Rates of
Pounds Weight, the Sum of Ten Shillings Current Money per Day ;
p. 315