124 Assembly Proceedings, April 8-May 9, 1757.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
shall be laid, by the said Agents, together with their Accounts, before
the next General Assembly of this Province, on or before the Third
Day after their Meeting.
[Pay for
And to prevent any Abuses or Impositions by Public House
Keepers, in whose House any Soldiers may be quartered or billetted,
Be it Enacted, That no Public House Keeper, until the Twenty-
fifth Day of December next, shall charge to, or receive from, any
Officer under the Degree of Captain, or private Soldier, quartered
or billetted in his or her House, more than the following Rates, viz.
For a Commission Officer, under the Degree of a Captain, for his
Diet of such good and wholesome Food as is usually provided by
Ordinary Keepers in this Province, with small Beer or Cyder, the
Sum of Eighteen Pence Current Money per Diem, and Lodging;
and for a private Soldier, for his Diet as aforesaid, with small Beer,
the Sum of Nine Pence Current Money per Diem, and Lodging.
p. 311
And be it further Enacted, That all and every of the Officers and
Soldiers, commissioned, raised, enlisted, and in Pay for the Purposes
Laws ex-
aforesaid, in Virtue of this Act, shall, whilst in the Pay of this Prov-
ince, by Virtue of this Act, be liable to Martial Law and Discipline,
in like Manner, to all Intents and Purposes, as the British Forces
are by the Statute Laws of Great-Britain, now in Force, and shall
be subject to the same Trial, Penalties, and Punishments, except in
Cases where it is otherwise provided by this Act. Provided always,
and it shall and may be lawful to and for the Governor, or Com-
mander in Chief of this Province, for the Time being, from Time
to Time, during the Continuance of this Act, to grant a Commission
[And Court
to any Officer of the said Five Hundred Men, not under the Degree
of a Captain, for holding a General Court-Martial within this Prov-
ince, in which Court-Martial all the Offences committed by any of
the Officers or Men, who shall serve under this Act, against the true
Intent and Meaning of the Statutes now in Force in Great-Britain,
relating to Martial-Law and Discipline, and all Offences under this Act
not properly triable elsewhere, shall be tried and proceeded against.
Provided also, That no General Court-Martial, which shall have
Power to sit by Virtue of ths Act, shall consist of a less Number
than Seven, whereof none to be under the Degree of a Commission
Officer; and the President of such General Court Martial shall not
be under the Degree of a Captain; and that no Sentence of Death
shall be given against any Offender by such General Court-Martial,
unless Five of the said Seven, or Two Thirds of a greater Number
than Seven Officers present, shall concur therein; nor shall any
Sentence of Death, given by such Court-Martial, be carried into
Execution until the Minutes of the Proceedings of such Court-Martial
be laid before the Governor or Commander in Chief of this Prov-
ince, for the Time being, and his Warrant thereupon obtained for
the Execution of such Sentence.