Acts. 121
Quiet and Protection of the Inhabitants. Provided always, and be
it Enacted, That when upon any Emergency his Majesty's Com-
mander in Chief, or Person properly authorized, shall judge it ex-
pedient to march any Part of the said Five Hundred Men from the
Frontier of this Province, then and in such Case so many of the
aforesaid Men shall be left at Fort-Frederick, under a proper Com-
mand, as the Governor or Commander in Chief of this Province,
for the Time being, shall judge necessary for the more immediate
Defence and Protection of the Frontier Inhabitants thereof. And
it is hereby declared to be the Duty of the Person so left in Com-
mand, and he is hereby strictly enjoined and required constantly to
keep out and employ one third Part of the Number of Men so left
under his Command, as Rangers for the Purposes aforesaid, with
Orders to Range as near the Settlement of the Inhabitants as the
Nature of that Service shall require.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
And be it further Enacted, That the Agents herein after appointed,
shall deliver to the Persons, who shall be employed by the Governor
or Commander in Chief of this Province in Raising or Recruiting
the said Five Hundred Men, such Sums of Money as the Governor
or Commander in Chief of this Province, for the Time being, shall
direct, by Order under his Hand, to be by the said Persons paid out
in Bounties as aforesaid, so as the said Sums, to be delivered by the
said Agents, exceed not, in the Whole, the Sum of Eighteen Hundred
Pounds Current Money. And the said Persons, so to be employed in
Raising or Recruiting Men as aforesaid, before they shall receive any
of the Money aforesaid, shall give Bond, with proper Security, to the
Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province, which shall
be delivered to the said Agents, to account for the same as herein
after directed, and to repay to the said Agents any Part of the said
[Money ap-
plied to Re-
Money that may remain in their Hands unapplied to the Use
And be it further Enacted, That the said Persons, who shall be
p. 308
employed in Raising and Recruiting as aforesaid, shall, and they
are hereby required, at the End of Three Months from the End of
this Session of Assembly, to account with the Agents aforesaid,
and then deliver to them Receipts from the Men by them respectively
Enlisted, for all such Bounty Money as they shall claim Allowance
for on such Accounting: And at the End of Six Months, from the
Time aforesaid, they shall account with the said Agents for the
Remainder of such Sums as they shall have received from them
as aforesaid; and for all such Sums as they shall then claim to be
allowed, they shall produce such Receipts as aforesaid; and the
Remainder of the said Sums, if any shall be then in their Hands,
they shall pay to the said Agents, to be by them applied for the
Purposes of this Act.
thereof to be