120 Assembly Proceedings, April 8-May 9, 1757.
Liber H. S.
No. I
said Sums as now remains unexpended, are hereby and shall be
applied to the Raising, Cloathing, Paying, Subsisting, and Defraying
all Charges and Expences attending the Supporting Five Hundred
Men, including Five Captains, Ten Lieutenants, Five Ensigns,
Twenty Serjeants, Twenty Corporals, and Five Drummers, to act
in Conjunction with his Majesty's Regular Forces, and under the
Command of his Majesty's General, or the Officer properly author-
ized for his Majesty's Service, and the more immediate Protection
and Security of this Province.
Provided always, and be it further Enacted, That all the Men,
now under the Command of Captain Dagworthy, Captain Alexander
Beall, and Captain Joshua Beall, which, by the Terms or Conditions
of their Enlistment, were obliged to continue in Service longer than
the Tenth Day of April, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-
seven, and all the Officers of their respective Companies, shall be
held and deemed as a Part of the aforesaid Five Hundred Men, and
shall be paid and subsisted according to the Directions of this Act
from the said Tenth Day of April.
[Pay of the
Men, &c.]
And be it further Enacted, That all the aforesaid Officers and
Men, from the Time of their entering into the Service, in Virtue
of this Act, shall have and receive the following Pay, to wit: To
every Captain, Twelve Shillings and Six Pence per Day: To every
Lieutenant, Six Shillings and Eight Pence per Day: To very En-
sign, Five Shillings per Day: To every Serjeant, One Shilling and
Six Pence per Day: To every Corporal, One Shilling and Two
Pence per Day: To every Drummer, One shilling and Two Pence
per Day: To every private Man, Nine Pence per Day: To Two
Surgeons, Six Shillings per Day each, and Medicines to be found
by the Agents herein after appointed, out of the Money applied by
this Act: To a Gun-Smith, Two Shillings and Six Pence per Day :
To a Commissary of Stores, who is also hereby appointed to be a
Commissary of Musters, Ten Shillings and Six Pence per Day for
both Services : Which several Officers, Gun-Smith, Surgeons, Com-
missary, and Soldiers, are hereby directed duly to be paid monthly,
except in such Cases where Muster-Roils are by this Act required
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to be returned only once in Two Months.
[Bounty to
be paid.]
And for encouraging able-bodied Men to Enlist in the Service
aforesaid, Be it Enacted, That there shall be paid to every such able-
bodied Person, not now Enlisted in the Service of this Province,
or liable to be detained therein, immediately upon his Enlisting, as a
Bounty or Reward, a Sum not exceeding Five Pounds Current Money
of this Province.
of the Men.]
And be it further Enacted, That the said Five Hundred Men, or
so many of them as shall be at any Time in Pay of this Province,
except such Number as may be necessary to be left at Fort-Frederick,
shall be employed in Ranging about the Frontier thereof, for the