122 Assembly Proceedings, April 8-May 9, 1757.
Liber H. S.
No. I
[Times of
And to prevent the Embezzlement of any Money that is or may
be allowed for the Pay of the said Five Hundred Men, Be it
Enacted, That the several Companies of the said Five Hundred
Men, or such Part of them as shall be at any Time raised, shall be
mustered monthly (the first Month to commence from and after the
End of this Session of Assembly), while they remain in the Prov-
ince: And in Case the Commander in Chief, or Person properly
authorized aforesaid, shall march any of them out of the Province,
then such Part shall be mustered once in every Two Months, during
the Time they shall be without the Limits thereof. And until
Muster-Rolls, in Manner and Form hereafter directed, shall be
returned to, and received by, the Governor or Commander in Chief
of this Province, for the Time being, and the Agents aforesaid, the
said Agents shall not advance or remit any Sum or Sums of Money
for the Pay of the respective Company or Companies, the Muster-
Roll or Rolls whereof shall not be so returned and received.
Rolls, how to
be made and
And for the more effectually preventing Fraud and Deceit in the
mustering of the Soldiers, in the Pay of this Province, by Virtue
of this Act, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That Muster-
Roils shall be made out, agreeable to the Form now used by Order
of his Majesty in making out Muster-Rolls of the British Forces;
and as soon as possible after any Muster shall be made, had, or
taken, by the said Commissary, he shall make Oath before one of
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his Lordship's Justices of the Peace, in Manner and Form following,
viz. I A. B. do swear, that I saw mustered, at the Time of making
the within Muster, such Men as are borne on the within Muster-
Roil, and for which no signed Certificate or Certificates are indorsed
thereon, certifying their being absent from such Muster, by Reason
of being employed on Detachment or other Duty, or by being Sick,
in Prison, on Furlough, Dead, Deserted, or Discharged: And the
said Justice, upon the said Commissary's making such Oath to such
Muster-Roll, is hereby required and directed immediately to make a
Certificate thereof on the Back of such Muster-Roll. And for every
Neglect in the said Commissary to make out and return such Muster-
Rolls as aforesaid, on Oath as aforesaid, he shall forfeit the Sum of
Fifty Pounds Current Money. And when it shall happen to be out
of the Power of the Captain or Officer commanding any Company,
to make his whole Company appear before the Commissary, on
Account of such Company's being divided into different Parties, or
Ranging in different Parts, then and in such Case, the Commissary
shall, on his Muster-Roll, distinguish the Names of such as are
absent at the Time of taking the Muster, and shall require Certificates
of the Officer commanding the Company, in which Certificates shall
be expressed or specified the Reason of the Officer, commanding
such Division, or any Soldier, his being absent, whether he be
Ranging on Detachment or any other Duty, Sick, Recruiting, or on