Volume 54, Page 639 View pdf image (33K) |
Somerset County Court Proceedings, 1665 1668. 639 & tennemts wthin yor Juridiccon wch they haue claimed & were sett Liber B No. forth unto them by virtue of the sd Condicon of plantacon & yett haue not hitherto past anie grants of the same from us as is aboue required In default whereof they haue lost their right to the said lands for wch wee might Legally enter into the same & take the bene fitt of the forfeiture to Or selues (if wee would take the advantage wch the Lawe woulld giue us in this Case) Notwithstanding wee Considering the disorders & unquietnes of late times in or said prov ince & being desirous to settle the Minds & estates of those Who liue peaceable undr or Governmt & yeild obedience to the same are willing for the time past to passe by those advantages wch wee might Justly claime as due unto us; Provided tht for the future all persons con cerned as aforesd doe obserue & conforme themselues to or said Con dicons of plantacon; And therefore wee doe hereby will & require you That att the Next Court to be holden within yor sd Juridiccon & att other times & places Convenient when & where itt may most publikely be taken notice hereof by all persons within yor Juridiccon you make proclamation hereof And tht or will & pleasure is that all persons who are possessed or haue taken up any lands by virtue of any of or Condicons of Plantacon & haue not hitherto past a graunt of the same from us that they or their heires or assignes or the Guardians of such heires as are undr age doe repaire to or secretaries office & .take graunt from us undr or greate seale within six months next after & imediately followeing to be accounted from the date of these prsents; And in neglect or default thereof wee shall seize the Lands & tenemts of such persons makeing default herein into or owne hands to be otherwise disposed of as in or discretion wee shall thinke fitt; And of the due publication hereof you maye not fayle as you will answe the Contrary & giue an accompt thereof to or Justices att [P. 31] or next provinciall Courte to be holden att St Maryes the 16th day of october next ensueing Wittnes or deare sonne Charles Calvert Esqr Leiut: Generall cheife Governor & cheife Justice of or said province att st Maryes the 19th day of July in the 35 yeare of or Dominion over the said province Anno D° 1666 To his Lordps Comrs for the eastearne shore next adioyning to Virginia These hast post hast for the publique service Richd Boughton secr: proclaimed the 4th September 1666 in Court By the Lieutent Generall and Chiefe Governor of the Province of Maryland To the Commissioners of the easterne shore These are to will & require you that att such times & places when & where itt may be most conveniently taken notice of by all persons within yoT Juridiccon you cause itt to be published That I am au |
Volume 54, Page 639 View pdf image (33K) |
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