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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 640   View pdf image (33K)
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          640 Somerset County Court Proceedings, 1665 1668.

      Liber B No. 1    thorized by the right honble the Lord pprietary of this province to
               passe graunts of Lands undr the greate scale of this pvince to any
               persons who are desirous to seate themselues in any parte of the sea
               board side on the easterne shore of the sd pvince undr the yearly rent
               of one shilling sterling for every fiftie acres & the usuall Condicons
               of plantacon now helld forth in the said pvince & tht such persons
               may haue warrants from the secretaries office to the surveyor gen
               erall & his deputies to lay out such pporcons of Land there as shall
               be agreed to be granted to them Given undr my hand & seale the 20th
               day of July in the 35th yeare of his Lordps dominion over the said
               pvince A° D° 1666          Signed Charles Calvert
               Proclaimed the 4th September 1666 in Court

                 Knowe all men by these presents tht I Richard Acworth of
               Manonoakin plantor within the province of Maryland hath bought
               & firmly agreed with Mark Manloue of Pocomoke plantor within
               the same province for a valluable Consideration in hand aliready
          [p. 32] receiued foure Cowes being marked with A Flowerdeluce of the
               right ear & Cropt the left and one black horse of two yeare & a
               half e ould being marked with a em m of the right buttock wch said
               Cowes with their increase & horse I the said Manloue doth sett over
               & warrant the sale of them from me or any under mee unto the
               said Acworth his heires executrs admts or assignes for ever & doth
               warrant the said Acworth A peaceable inioymt of them from any
               person or persons that tht shall lay any claime thereunto as wittnes
               my hand to the true pformance of this bill of saile I haue hereunto
               sett my hand this twenty & six day of August 1666         of Marke
               Wittnes James Davis             The marke MM
                     Tho: Poole                     Manloue
               Entred this 10th Septembr 1666

                 This Indenture made the 10th day of August in the yeare of or
               Lord god 1666 Betweene Steven Horse of Anamessick in the pvince
               of Maryland gent: of the one parte & Anthony Johnson of Mano
               noakin in the pvince aforesd plantor of the other parte Wittnesseth
               That the said Steven Horse for the valluable Consideration allready
               receued hath demised graunted & to farme letten & by these prsents
               doth demise graunte & to farme lett unto the said Anthony Johnson
               one peece or parcell of Land called Tomes vineyard scituate & being
               in the pvince aforesaid lyeing att the south side of wiccocomoco
               Creeke on the easterne shore beginning att a markt oake devideing
               itt from the Land of Will Bosman thence running easterly alongst
               the said Creeke one hundred & fifty poles to a markt pine thence
               running southwest & by west the length of three hundred twenty flue
               poles to a markt tree from thence running westerly the bredth of one

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 640   View pdf image (33K)
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