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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 638   View pdf image (33K)
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         638 Somerset County Court Proceedings, 1665 1668.

    Liber B No. 1  4th September 1666
                The bonds of Matrimony was publisshed between John Okee &
               Mary Vincent both of Manonoakin by setting up their names att the
               Court doore according to act of assembly
                   4th September 1666
                The bonds of Matrimony was publisshed betweene Tho: Tull of
               Anamessicke & Mary Mitchell of Marumscoe by setting up their
               names att the Court doore according to act of assembly

                By vertue of an act of assembly of the 19th day of aprill last I
               doe hereby Constitute & appointe you Wm Stevens gent: to be Coro
               ner of all those parts on the eastearne shore wthin yor Juridiction
               & to doe & pforme all such acts & things as to the office of A Coroner
               belongeth within yor said Juridiceon you haveing first taken the oath
               of fidelity to his Lops the Lord proprietary of this pvince & the oath
               of a Coroner hereundr written before some Justice of peace of yor
               said Juridiccon wch you are required forthwith to doe Given under
               my hand & scale this second day of August in the 35th yeare of his
               Lordships dominion over this province A° D° 1666
                                               Charles Calvert

                   The Oath of A Coroner
                You shall sweare tht you will well & truly serue the Right honble
               the Lord proprietary of this province & the people of the sd pvince as
               one of his Lops Coronrs of this yor Juridiccon & therein you shall
               dilligently & truely doe & accomplish all & every thing & things
               appertayning to yor office aftt the best of yor skill & power both
               for his Lop' pffitts & the good of the Inhabitants within the said Juri
               diction takeing such Fees as by the lawes & statutes' of England are
               appoynted to Coroners there & not otherwise Soc helpe you God
               Entred the 10th Septembr 1666

          [p. 30] Caecilius Absolute Lord & proprietary of the Province of Mary
               land & Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore &c To the Commissioners
               of the easterne shore Whereas by or former Condicon of Plantacon
               remaining upon record in or secretaryes office att St Maryes itt is
               pvided tht from the feast of the anunciacon of the virgin Mary A°
               1642 every person whatever tht shall claime any pporcon of Land in
               or pvince by virtue of any of 0r Condicons of plantacons shall pass
               a grante of the said Lands soc due to him her or them under or scale
               of the pvince aforesaid within one yeare next after the said Lands
               shall be due unto them & assigned & sett forth in some parte of or
               said province by or Leiut: generall there for the time being or in
               default thereof they shall by vertue of the said Condicons loose their
               right to the said Lands for ever, And whereas divers persons as wee
               are informed within or province haue been & are possessed of Lands

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 638   View pdf image (33K)
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