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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 619   View pdf image (33K)
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  Somerset County Court Proceedings, 1665 1668.     619

  to the south side thereof Nor to goe or passe over the river of wic- Liber B No. 1
  cocomoco to the North side thereof as alsoe not to ship hymselfe in
  any floatinge vessell to goe to any parte saue the parts of Marumsco,
  Ennemessike Manonoakin Little Moñie & greate Monie as alsoe not
  to goe or travell by land about of the heads of the said rivers of
  Pacomoke or wiccocomoco aforesd nor to goe or travell by land out
  of the province of Maryland as alsoe not to make any bargaine of
  Consequence without the Consent & aprobation of the said Edward
  Dickeson his heires or assignes; And also if the said George Hos
  foord his executrs & admrs & every of them doe from time to time
  & att all times hereafter Freely & Clearely acquitt dischardge or saue
  & keepe harmelesse the said Edward Dickeson his heires executrs & [p. 9]
  admrs & his & their goods & every of them against the said Ambros
  Londun his heires & assignes & against all other persons whatsoever
  of & for the said obligation & Condition aboue reported & penalty in
  the said obligation Contained & every part & parcell thereof & of &
  from all actions sutes Judgmts executions Condemnations Damadges
  & demands touchinge or Concerninge the same; That then this obli
  gation to be voyd or else to stand in full force & virtue
  Signed sealed & delivered     George Horsfoord
    in the Presence of us
       George Johnson Thomas Hunss
       Steven Horsey       Entred the 23d February 1665

    Knowe all Men by these prsents tht I Mary Andros of the Citty of
  Bristoll widowe haue Constituted & appointed & in my place & stead
  putt & By these prsents doe Constitute appointe & authorize & in my
  place & stead putt Edward Martindale of the Citty of brisstoll mrchant
  to be my true & Law full attourney for mee & in my name & to my
  use to aske Levy recouer & receiue of & from James Jolley of Poko
  moke in virginia plantor all & every such sume & suThes of money
  debts goods wares marchandize dues & demands whatsoever wch are
  due oweing or belonging to or from mee & are detained by the sd
  James Jolley for any Matter or Cause upon any Contract or by any
  wayes or meanes whatsoever the same be due bill bond specialIty
  booke store accompts or otherwise given & hereby granting to my said
  atturney full power good right & Lawfull authoritie in the prmises
  the said James Jolley his executrs & admrs & his & their goods &
  chattles to sue arrest attach declare Implead Imprison & out of prison
  to deliuer letters of acquittances & other sufficient dischardges in my
  Name to make seale & execute, Attourneys one or more under him to
  sett & substitute & the same att his pleasure to revoke & further to
  make Composition & gennerally to doe & execute all & every further
  act & acts thinge & things whatsoever requisite to be don in relation
  to the prmises & tht as ampic & effectually in cvcry respect as I my
  self e might doe the same if I were personally ptsent ratifleing & allow
  inge & all & whatsoever my said attourney shall doe or cause to bee

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 619   View pdf image (33K)
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