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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 615   View pdf image (33K)
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   Somerset County Court Proceedings, 1665 1668.     615

   tion in Confirmation whereof I haue hereunto sett my hand & seale Liber B No. 1
   this twenty fifth of June one thousand six hundred sixty & flue  [p. 5]
   Signed sealed & delivered       William Smyton
     in the prsence of us
        Richard Woodward
        Morris Durham
        John Gumry          Enterd the 20th January 1665

     John Cooper agst John Griffith in an action of the case the 10th
   xbr 1665
     The 11th January att a Courte heild att Tho: Pooles The atturney
   for the plant: Edward Southeren & Henry Lewis for the defendt
   before the Courte did Joyntly agree for the stop of all proceedings
   at law tell such time as Susanna Brayfeeld was delivered of the Chilid
   she doth now goe withail Comts for the Proprietr mr George John
   son mr Jno Winder

     John Johnson against the relict of John Elzey att A Courte helld
   att the house of Tho: Poole the 11th January 1665 the same day
   Edward Southeren atturney for the plantiff & Charles Ballard deft
   appeared & Charles Ballard prayed a refference wch was accordingly
   granted Comrs for the pprietr being present mr George Johnson mr
   John Winder

     Phillip Barre agst William Furnis the 1th Janry 1665 the same day
   the plant: Barre appeared & Patrick Fleming the de f ts atturney the
   Courte asked the plant Barre what he demanded of the defendt Fur
   nis; & he answered 40 head of Cattle: The said Cattle amounting to
   aboue 2000lb of tobacco the Courte Dissmist the Cause itt being be
   yond the Cognizance of the Courte the Comrs for the proprietr being
   present mr George Johnson mr John Winder

     Randall Revell agst Susanna Brayfeeld the 11th January 1665 the
   plant: Reveli appeared & before the Court did withdrawe his action
   agst the said Brayfeeld the Comrs for the Lord proprietr being prsent
   me George Johnson mr John Winder

     Thomas Cothingam pl: John Roads deft 11th January 1665
     Att a Courte heild att Tho: Poole in Manonoakin on the easterne
   shore in the pvince of Maryland the Comes for the Lord Propr being
   there present mr George Johnson mr John Winder upon opening the
   Matter this day unto this Court by Tho: Cothingam plant: itt was
   alleadged tht the deft John Roads did J oyne with the pl: Cothingam
   in the hire of a boate of Ambros Dickson for the wch they were to pay
   ten pounds of tobacco p day for so long time as they did make use of
   the said boate wch was 20 dayes & the deft Roads was to pay two

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 615   View pdf image (33K)
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