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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 614   View pdf image (33K)
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          614 Somerset County Court Proceedings, 1665 1668.

        Liber B No. 1 Anamessix in the province aforesaid plantor one red pide heifer
             [p. 4] aboute three year ould being Cropt on the Left ear a flower deluce
                on the right the upper parte of the flower deluce being taken ofe, he
                the said Charles Hall his heires executrs admrs or assignes To haue
                & to Holid the said red pide heifer being marked as aforesaid (as
                his or there proper goods) withall her Increase for ever I the aboue
                said Phillip Barre doe by these prsents quitt Claime all my right title
                or Interest for me my heires executrs or assignes for ever to be
                debarred from haveing any Interest or claime in the said heifer or
                any parte of her or their Increase with warrenty from all men In
                wittnes whereof I haue hereunto sett my hand & scale this 11th day
                of January 1665          Entred the 19th January 1665

                  To All people to whome these present writing shall come Knowe
                yee tht I Phillip Barre of Manonoakin one the easterne shore in the
                province of Maryland plantor for & in Consideration of six hun
                dred pounds of tobacco with Caske to me in hand payde before the
                signing sealeing hereof haue bargained soulid alliened & Confirmed
                & by these prsents doe bargaine sell alliene & Confirme unto William
                Whitfeeld of the shore & province aforesaid plaisterer one Cole
                blacke Cowe with a white bagge called by the name of mad Moll
                being Cropt & slitt on the right ear & underhalfd on the left he the said
                William Whitfeeld his heires executrs administratrs or assignes; To
                haue & to hoild the saide Cowe being marked as aforesaid as his or
                their proper goods with all the Increase for ever & I the aboue said
                Phillip Barre doe by these presents quitt claime all my right title or
                Interest for me my heires executors or assignes for ever to be de
                barred from haveing any Interest or claime in the said Cowe or any
                part of her or their Increase with warrenty from all men In Witt
                nes whereof I haue hereunto sett my hand & seale this eleventh day
                of January in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred sixty
                & flue                   entred the 20th January 1665

                  Knowe All Men by these presents That I William Smyton of
                Mannoakin marchant doe hereby Constitute & authorize & appointe
                & in my place & stead doe ordayne & putt my trusty Frind Thomas
                Jarvis my lawefull attourney for mee & in my name & to my use &
                behalfe to sue and attach recover & receiue of all persons whatso
                ever tht shall owe or stand indebted to mee any sume or summes of
                Money goods wares tobacco marchandizes whatsoever be itt by bill
                or bond booke accompts Contrackt or any other wise or meanes
                whatsoever given and by these ptsents grante unto my said attourney
                full power & authoritie to arrest Implead Imprisson & out of prison
                againe to release to Compound dischardge & acquitt & one attourney
                or more to Constitute under him & the same to revoke att his discre

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 614   View pdf image (33K)
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