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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 538   View pdf image (33K)
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          538Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674.

          Liber BB. the Deposition of Katherin Turner aged about 23 or 24 yeares
            No.2 Sworne

                 Saith I Came unto dauid Jonsons house and Elizabeth Madbery
               being gone whome Dauid Jonson Sent his wife to fetch her downe
               againe and she tould mee when she Came downe againe she found
               the doore to with a pestle and John Clymer Agoeing to Madberies
               wife with his briches ailmost of and shee uppon the bed she putting
               him by his Bussnes he toke upp the pestle and threw at her and hitt her
               uppon the body I wold haue had her tould her husband and She
               Replied noe for she wass afraid they wold quarrill and her husband
               Came to her and Said wife tell me the truth of the mater or elice I
               will Lay you dead att my foot: and hur Reply wass to him that she
               had hurt hur self e Coming ouer the Fence then I Came whome and
               very late in the night Bridgitt 3 onson and Simond Clymer Came to
               my house and I wass in bed and she tould mee her husband turned
               her oute of doores and that the Rogue had allmost Killed her I
               asked her how and she towld mee she had folloued him to Madberies
               and found John Clymer Asleepe in her and Madberies wife asleepe
               with her Armes fast about his necke and she fell apulling of him
               and he lay licke one amazed And she pulled the ould woomans Coate
               ouer her head and tore itt and if She Could haue found a knife she
               would haue Cutt a peece of his Briches for a toaken then he sett
               his foote uppon her and keept her doune untill he had putt up his
               Briches and beate her uppon the heade and the ould whore Lay uppon
               the bed and Cryed hang the whore pay the whore she will tell And she
               Cried Sweet John good John Saue my Life and I will not tell and
               the next morning Came Madberies wife to my house and here the
               fire Side she fell uppon her knees and wished that the ground might
               open and shee Sinck in if Euer she knew wither hee wass man or
               wooman or if euer hee proffered any such thing to her butt onely
               yor Jealous head Bridgitt to think such a thing by uss and further
               Saith not                     her
                                   Katherine Turner
                 Katherine Turners Second Deposition
                 Saith that she heard Bridgitt say she had beene sure to John
               Clymer three yeares and that She was to tarry by a Contract made
               betweene them the Said John Clymer and herselfe fower yeares
               Longer I asked her why She did soe and she answerd that once I
               did lone the said Clymer much butt now I doe hate him as bad as a
               toade this being tould me in my owne house the 21th of August 1672
            [p.—] and she had saide that he had beene goeing away from my house
               Seaverall times butt that I the Said Bridgitt wass the Cause of his
               stay and that she had pswaded her husband to giue the said Climer

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 538   View pdf image (33K)
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