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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 537   View pdf image (33K)
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    Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674. 537

   and she saide that he had beene goeing Away from my house Seav- Liber BB
   erall times butt that I the Saide Bridgett wass the Cause of his Stay No. 2
   She pswaded her husband to giue him half e the the land Rather then
   he should goe Away and further Saith nott
                       Cattherin Turner K B marke

    Exammanacon taken the 3d day of Septt 1672 before mr william
   Coursey and mr Phillipp Steevenson Justices
    John Clymer Saith that being Exammined what he did att John
   Madberis house Answerd that he Came to take his Rest for he Could
   not take his Rest at whome and that he Could not take noe rest for
   Bridgitts scoulding

    the Exammination of Elizabeth wife to John Madbery ass
    that whereass I Elizabeth Madbery doe not know of John Clymer
   being in the Roome with me when I wass lying asleepe uppon my
   bed and that hee Came into the house unknowne unto me butt when
   first I saw him the sd Clymer he wass astriuing with Bridgett Jonson:

    The Deposition of Simond Clymer
    Saith that he hearde Bridgitt declare that my Brother Clymer had
   beene Sure to her any time this three yeare and that he wass to tarry
   for the said Bridgitt fower yeares longer whereuppon this deponent
   Saith he aduised her to tell her husband and if in Case She coold
   not tell her husband I the deponent would thereuppon the said Bridgitt
   doune uppon her knees and Requested me to be silent Seaurall other
   times I did tell her if Shee did not make it knowne to her husband
   great danger might Insue she durst not tell her husband she had
   rather take blowes from him the Saide Clymer then to make itt
   knowne to her husband and further Saith nott

    The Deposition of Simond Clymer the Second the Second time
   before mr william Coursey and mr Phillipp Steevenson Justices of
    Saith that he heard Bridgitt Jonson declare that his brother John
   Clymer had beene Sure to her any time this three yeares and that
   he wass to tarry for the said Bridgitt Jonson fower yeares Longer [p.—]
   whereuppon being beate oftentimes by John Clymer yor deponent
   Saith he aduised her to tell her husband and if in Case she wold not
   tell her husband of her being beate I the deponent wold whereuppon
   the said Bridgitt downe uppon her knees and Requested me to be
   silent Seauerall other times I did tell her if She did not make itt
   knowne to her husband greate danger might ensue She durst not
   tell her husband she had Rather take Blowes from him the said
   John Clymer then to make itt knowne to her husband and further
   Saith nott

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 537   View pdf image (33K)
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