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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 536   View pdf image (33K)
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          536Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674.

         Liber BB one the body and afterward they Came all there together and then
           No.2 J heard Madberies wife Say that she knew not wither John Clymer

               wass man or wooman and that John Clymer never proffered any
               Such thing to her in his Life but said that Bridgett Jonson did tell
               her and the next morning at Bonham Turners house she fell uppon
               her knees and wished that the ground might open and she might
               Sincke in if euer She knew wither he wass man or wooman or euer
               proffered Such a thing to her but onely Bridgett by her Jealous head
               did thinke Soe by them this aboue written being tould uss about
               the 21th or 22th of August 1672 this I doe Anerre with my hand and
               Seale and further Saith not John Seargeant

                 The Deposition of Simond Clymer aged about 25 or 26 before
               mr Coursey and mr phillipp Steevenson

                 Saith Bridgitt Jonson Came unto me as I and John Sergeant
               lay in the Couch and tould me that She had beene att John Madberies
               and She found John Clymer Swifing of Elizabeth Madbery and that
               She found them both asleepe with her armes about his necke and she
               finding them both asleepe one in the other pulled his pricke out of
               Cunt with her two fingers and She pulled Madberys wifes Coate
               ouer her heade and tore itt and would haue brought the peece away
               with her butt itt wass to stronge and She tould mee that he thrist
               the pestle into body and beat her about the heade and the ould whore
               Lay uppon the bed and Cryed hange the whore pay the whore for
               She will tell and she would haue Cutt a pece of his Brichees but
               the knife would not Cutt and after that they all three Came downe
               together I heard Madberys wife Say that Shee knew not wither
               he wass man or woornan and She Said that Bridgitt Jonson did
               bely her for John Clymer never did any Such thing by her in his
               life and the next morning in Bonham Turners house I see her uppon
               her knees houlding upp her hands and wishing that the ground might
               open and She Sinke in if euer She knew if euer he wass man or
               wooman or euer proffered Such A thing by her and after this John
           [p.—]    Sergeant asked her if he did push upe her Cloathes and she answered
               noe butt she wass Stooping for her dead cloathes and and he darted
               itt at her this I haue Sworne she tould uss ass wittness my hand and
               seale and further Saith in his Second deposition
                                            Simond Clymer

                 the Deposition of Katherin Turner ass Folloueth
                 Saying that whereass I heard Bridgitt Say that Shee had beene
               Sure to John Clymer three yeares and that She wass to tarry by a
               Contract made betweene the Said Clymer and her selfe fower yeares
               Longer I asked her why she did so and she answerd that once I did
               Ioue the Saide Clymer much but that now I doe hate him ass bad as
               a toade this being tould me in my oune house the 21th of August 1672

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 536   View pdf image (33K)
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