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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 52   View pdf image (33K)
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            52 Kent County Court Proceedings, 1648-1656.

           Liber A The Court doth theare fore Order tht prsent payment shall bee mad
               by the sd Hill of the flue hundred pounds of tobacco with Caske to
               the sd mr Tho: Ringgolde with Court Charges els Execution

                 Edmund Burton pett The Court tht mackinge his Rights for
               Land appeare hee may haue the Aprohation of the Court to tak
               up the sayd land upon this Island, wheare hee shall Conceiue it most
               Conuenient, & not taken up before; tht priuelidge or libertie, For
               diuers good Causes beeinge graunted by an Act of Assemblie no 28
               His pett assented too & not denied; mackinge his Rights appeare
               for Three hundred Ackers; The sd Burton doth theareffore Enter A
               Cauiet for three hundred Ackers or a Certaine psell of land lying to-
               gather bee it more or lesse bounded to the southward wth Greens plan—
               tation to the westward with mr Brouns plantation & hogpen necke, to
               the northward with mr Marsh plantacon Cald the great thicket &
               Zeph Smiths Cald philpots plan; & to the Eastward, with the
               Eastern bay; this Entrance of his Cauiet grounded uppon the f ore-
               mentioned act n° 28

          [lot. 116] The depossition of mr Tho: Hinson aged 35 yeares or theare
          12 m° 55 abouts tacken in Court Febr~ the first 1655 sworn Exam & saith

                 That Winter last was twelue month beeinge wth mr Marsh when
               Roger Baxster & hee made up theire accoumpts, & Roger Baxster had
               a bill of mr Marshes, which did neare discoumpt a bill which mT
               Marsh had of his, which the sd mr Marsh pmised to deliü in, to the sd
               Roger Baxster and at tht tyme theare was a varie smale mattr
               beetwixt them, & yor depon beeinge prsent was dessired by both
               pties to make up their accoumpts, and further saith not
                                                Tho: Hinson

                 The depossition of Capt Jno Russell aged 34 yeares or theare
               abouts taken in Court the first of Febr 1655 sworn Examined & saith
                 That mr Marsh beeinge at yor deponents house hee dessird yor
               deponent to Rec twoe hoggsti of tob at Franchis Barneses Either
               one or both as Rec from Wm Price & when yor deponent deliüed the
               waight of the tob to mr Marsh Wm Price dessird to accoumpt wth him
               to see whether hee had payd him all hee owed him or no, and It
               appeard tht all was payd & Price dessird a discharge & mr Marsh
               Ansr: it needs not for Ill send ouer the bill & further saith not
                                                 John Russell

                 Anthony Calloway aged 26 yeares or theare aboutes his depossition
               taken in Court febr the first 1655 sworne Examined & saith
          the Court That hee was prsent at the same tyme when Wm Price desired to
        proseedings accoumpt with mr Marsh & veriffies & affirmes the same which is in
        therto transcribed Capt Jn° Russels depossittion exprest, and further saith not;
                                     Signu~ Anthony  Calloway

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 52   View pdf image (33K)
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