County where he shall reside, to be paid by the said Justice yearly,
to the Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid; and in Case any such
German or French Papist, Layman, Popish Priest, or Jesuit, shall
not pay the respective Sums aforesaid, in Manner aforesaid, he shall
forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Pounds if a Layman, and Four
hundred Pounds if a Priest, or Jesuit, to be recovered and applied
as aforesaid; and in Case any Master or Commander of any Ship
or other Vessel, shall land, or suffer to be landed, any such German
or French Passengers as aforesaid, either Freemen or Servants, in
any other Port or Place than the Port of Annapolis aforesaid,
before he shall have made his Entry as aforesaid, he shall forfeit
and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds, for every such Passenger so
landed being a Layman, and Four hundred Pounds for every such
Passenger so landed being a Priest, or Jesuit, or who shall be gen-
erally reputed on board his Vessel so to be. And if any Person so
imported, or coming into this Province, as aforesaid, as a Layman,
shall at any Time afterwards be discovered to be a Popish Priest, or
Jesuit, or shall officiate as such, he shall forfeit and pay the Sum of
Five hundred Pounds, to be recovered with Costs, in any Court
of Record within this Province, by Action of Debt, Indictment, or
Information, to the sole Use and Benefit of the Informer, or him,
her or them, that will sue for the same, being a Protestant or
Protestants, and suffer twelve Months Imprisonment, without bail
or Mainprize.
And whereas it is apprehended, that great Numbers of German and
French Servants will be imported from the neighbouring Govern-
ments; Be it Enacted, That all Persons who shall purchase such
Servant or Servants, shall, and they are hereby required to carry
him or them to the next County Court, after such Purchase, in
order to take the Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly to be taken
to the Government, and sign the Oath of Abjuration and the Test,
which shall be administred by the Clerk in open Court, in Case he
understands the German or French Language, as the Case may
require, and if he does not, then by some Protestant Person to be
appointed by the said Court, and qualified in all Respects as herein
before directed, and for every Servant refusing to take the Oaths,
Liber No. 48
March 21
and subscribing the Oath of Abjuration and Test, the said Purchaser
shall pay, immediately on such Refusal, the Sum of Five Pounds
Current Money, to the Sheriff of the said County, who shall, by the
29th Day of September, annually, render an Account of and pay the
same to the Commissioners, or Trustees, for emitting Bills of
Credit, established by Act of Assembly, retaining the Salary of
Two Pounds Ten Shillings per Cent, and every such Purchaser
neglecting to bring such Servant to Court as aforesaid, in order to
take the Oaths as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay, for every such
p. 76