Liber No. 48
March 21
sue for the same; to be recovered in any Court of Record within this
Province, that shall have Jurisdiction thereof, by Action of Debt,
Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection, or
Wager of Law shall be allowed.
And be it further Enacted, That the said Naval-Officer shall, and
he is hereby required to procure a Translation of the Oaths appointed
by Act of Assembly, to be taken to the Government, and the Test,
into the German and French Languages, and the same keep in his
Office, which Oath, so translated, shall be administred to every Ger-
man or French Passenger, or Servant, so to be imported, except Chil-
dren under the Age of fourteen Years (to be adjudged at the Discre-
tion of the Naval-Officer), by the said Naval-Officer, provided he
understands the German or French Languages, or either of them, as
the Case may require, and if he does not, by some Protestant Person
to be by him appointed, who can speak the English and German or
French Language, as the Case may require, in Presence of the said
Naval-Officer, the said Person, so to be appointed, having first taken
the several Oaths, as aforesaid, to be administred by the said Naval-
Officer; and an Oath, well and truly to administer the same to the
several Passengers, and Servants, imported as aforesaid, and signed
the Oath of Abjuration and the Test; and that each Passenger, or
Servant, so imported as aforesaid, who shall take the said Oaths,
shall, in the Presence of the said Naval-Officer, sign the Oath of
Abjuration and the Test, to be by him kept as aforesaid, and all and
every such German and French Passengers, or Servants, who shall
refuse to take the Oaths, and sign the Oath and Test, as aforesaid,
shall be, and they are hereby deemed and declared Papists, within
the Intent and Meaning of this Act, for whom the Importer or
Importers shall be obliged to pay the Duty aforesaid.
And whereas there is too much Room to suspect that the afore-
mentioned Papists, Priests and Jesuits, in order to evade this Act,
may be imported into or landed in some of the neighbouring Gov-
ernments, or in some other Place than herein before directed,
and transport themselves, or be transported, from thence into this
Province; Be it therefore Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and
p. 75
Consent aforesaid, That every free German, or French Person,
coming into this Province to reside, except by Importation and
Entry, as before herein mentioned and directed, shall, within one
Month after his coming in, repair to a Justice of the Peace, and if
by the said Justice adjudged to be of the Age of fourteen Years,
take the Oaths aforesaid, and sign the Oath of Abjuration and the
Test, or shall be deemed and taken to be a Papist, within the Intent
and Meaning of this Act, and shall immediately pay the Sum of
Five Pounds if a Layman, and the Sum of Two hundred Pounds
if a Popish Priest, or Jesuit, to some Justice of the Peace of the