L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
March 21
Servant, the Sum of Ten Pounds; to be recovered and applied as
herein first before directed.
And be it further Enacted, That it shall be the undoubted Duty
of the Justices of each respective County Court, to give in Charge
to every Grand Jury, a strict Enquiry into all the Breaches of this
And forasmuch as great Complaint has meen made to this Gen-
eral Assembly of the great Number of Irish Papists imported into
this Province, by Way of New-Castle, on Delaware, where they are
purchased and brought into this Province, and sold, to the great
Disquiet of his Majesty's good Protestant Subjects of this Province
in general, and particularly those of the Northern Parts, where the
said Irish Papists are chiefly disposed of, and by which Means the
several Laws for preventing too great an Importation of Irish
Papists into this Province, are in great Measure evaded :
Be it therefore Enacted, That no Person whatever shall import,
or bring into this Province, from, or by Way of New-Castle, or any
other Part or Place in the Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex,
upon Delaware, or from any Part or Place in the Province of Penn-
sylvania, any Irish Servant or Servants whatever, on Penalty and
Forfeiture of Twenty Pounds, for every such Servant so by him or
them imported, or brought in, as aforesaid; to be recovered and
applied in the same Manner as is herein first before directed.
Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall hinder any
Person or Persons who shall remove from any of the Places afore-
said, in order to settle and reside within this Province, from bringing
with him, her or them, such menial Servant, or Servants, as he, she
or they, shall be possessed of at the Time of his, her, or their
Provided always, and be it Enacted, That all such German or
French Persons imported, or coming into this Province as afore-
said, if Quakers, shall be allowed, instead of taking the Oaths herein
before directed, to affirm to the Effect thereof, before the Person
by this Act impowered to administer such Oaths; and if Jews, the
Oaths aforesaid shall be administered to them, by the said Person,
according to the Directions of the Act of Parliament, made in the
thirteenth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George
p. 77
the Second, entituled, An Act for naturalizing such foreign Protes-
tants, and others therein mentioned, as are settled, or shall settle, in
any of his Majesty's Colonies, in America; and in Case of Refusal,
to be deemed Papists, within the Intent and Meaning of this Act.
This Act to Continue for three Years and unto the End of the
next Session of Assembly which shall happen after the Expiration
of the said Three Years. And the several Indorsments thereon.