L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
March 13
Alienation Fine for the same, was paid the seventh Day of April
following. That the said Deed was recorded among the Records of
Prince George's County, as appears by a Certificate on the said Deed
as follows, viz.
The before written Deed, with the Endorsements, was put upon
Record the Day of Annoq; Dom.
That by a Paragraph of the said William Hutchison's Will, the
said seventy-six Acres of Land was devised by him to his Daughter
Elisabeth. That the Petitioner did Intermarry with the said Elisa-
beth, as suggested in the Petition. That by Deeds of lease and
Release, bearing Date the first and second Day of March, in the Year
Seventeen-hundred and forty-seven, the said George Parker, and
Elisabeth his Wife, conveyed the said seventy-six Acres of Land to
Mr. Basil Waring, of Prince George's County, and that the said
Basil Waring afterwards, by Deeds of Lease and Release, dated the
third and fourth Day of March, in the same Year, reconveyed the
Premisses, to the said George Parker in Fee.
All which is humbly submitted to the Consideration of your Hon-
ourable House.
Signed per Order, William Wilkins, Clerk.
Which was Read, the House concurs therewith, and Leave is given
to the Petitioner to bring in a Bill according to Prayer.
Mr. Murdock, from the Committee appointed to enquire into the
Facts contained in the Petition of John Gassaway, of Anne Arundel
County, brings in, and delivers to Mr. Speaker, the following Report.
By the Committee appointed, by the Honourable the Lower House
of Assembly, to enquire into the Facts set forth in the Petition
of Mr. John Gassaway, of Anne Arundel County, Administra-
tor of Issac Johns, Mariner. March 13, 1755.
Your Committee having examined the Deed, and other Papers
annexed and referred to, in the said Petition, Do find the Facts to be
true as therein inserted; which is humbly submitted to the Considera-
tion of your Honourable House.
Signed per Order, William Wilkins, Clerk.
Which was Read, the House concurs therewith, and Leave is given
to the Petitioner to bring in a Bill according o Prayer.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock Afternoon.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Mr. Waggaman, Col. Scarborough, and Capt. Evans, have Leave
to go Home.