A Bill entituled, An Act to aid the defective Entry of the late
Deputy Clerk of Prince George's County, in the Recording of a Deed
of Bargain and Sale, from John Wheeler, to William Hutchison;
Was Read the first and second Time, by an especial Order, and will
pass, and was sent to the Upper House, by Mr. Stoddert and Mr.
The House adjourns till the morrow Morning 9 of the Clock.
Liber No. 48
March 13
p. 59
Friday Morning 14th March, 1755.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c. All appeared as
Yesterday, except Mr. Waggaman, and Col. Scarborough, and Capt.
A Bill entituled, An Act to impower and direct the Clerk of Balti-
more County Court, to Record among the said County Records, a
Deed of Bargain and Sale from Isaac Johns, deceased, to Robert
Adair; was Read the first and second Time, by an especial Order,
and will pass, and was sent to the Upper House, by Major Hall,
and Mr. Beall.
The following Message, viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly, March 14, 1755.
May it please your Honours,
We are much concern'd to find, that after so long Consideration
of the Bill sent your Honours by this House, on the first Instant,
under the Title of An Act for raising a Supply towards his Maj-
esty's Service, you have thought fit, with your Message of the 10th,
to return it with a Negative; and that with Reasons, which instead
of inclining us to form any other, rather convince us of the Propriety
and Utility of that Bill, and that your Refusal of it in our Opinion is
not justified.
We must presume, cou'd your Honours have found any Reasons
to evince, that the issuing and making current £4015:6:0 in the
Manner proposed in our Bill, manifestly tended to depreciate our
Paper Currency, (the Credit of which, we agree, ought to be sup-
ported by each Branch of the Legislature, for many obvious and
weighty Reasons) , you wou'd have given them to us, instead of your
bare Persuasion to that Purpose. However, being desirous this Mat-
ter shou'd appear in its true Light, we must observe, that as the Sum
above mentioned, (admitting it to be all issued on one Draught, which
can hardly be supposed), will only increase the principal Stock of
Paper Currency, until the Sum of £5984: 14: o shall be paid into
the Office, including about £ 1000 now therein unappropriated, which
by Means of the Bill your Honours have this Session passed, For
speedily calling in the Interest Money due to the Province on Loans,
March 14