The Lower House. 75
The Bill entituled, An Act for regulating the Rates of Carriage,
and quartering of Soldiers, in public Houses, within this Province,
for his Majesty's Service, was Read a second Time, and will pass,
and was sent to the Upper House, by Col. J. Henry, and Mr. J.
Dennis, junr.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock Afternoon.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Col. Hammond, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker a
Petition of George Parker, of Charles County, praying Leave to
bring in a Bill, To aid the Omission of Recording certain Deeds, for
a Tract of Land called Wheeler's Adventure, by the late Deputy
Clerk of Prince George's County; Indorsed, " Referred to the Con-
sideration of the Lower House of Assembly;" which being here
Read, Ordered, That Mr. J. Goldsborough, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Stod-
dert, and Mr. Hawkins, be a Committee, from this House, to make
Enquiry into the Facts therein set forth, and Report the same.
On reading the Petition of John Gassaway, of Anne Arundel
County, referred here, from the Upper House: Ordered, That Mr.
J. Goldsborough, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Stoddert, and Mr. Hawkins,
be a Committee, from this House, to make Enquiry into the Facts
therein set forth, and Report the same.
The House adjourns till the morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
Liber No. 48
March 12
Thursday Morning, 13th March, 1755.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Mr. Murdock, from the Committee appointed to enquire into the
Facts contained in the Petition of George Parker, of Charles County,
brings in, and delivers to Mr. Speaker, the following Report, viz.t
By the Committee appointed, by the Honourable the Lower House of
Assembly, to enquire into the Facts set forth in the Petition
of Mr. George Parker, March 13, 1755.
Your Committee having examined the authentic Copies of several
Deeds, and Instruments of Writing, referred to in the said George
Parker's Petition, do find, That a Patent for seventy-six Acres of
Land, called Wheeler's Adventure, was, originally on the first Day
of June, in the Year 1687, granted unto a certain John Wheeler, of
Charles County. That by a Copy of a Deed from the Records of
Prince George's County, under Seal, duly acknowledged, bearing
March 13
Date the sixth Day of January, in the Year 1698, the said seventy-
six Acres of Land was sold, and conveyed, by the said John Wheeler,
to William Hutchison, of Prince George's County, and that the
p. 58