58 Assembly Proceedings, Feb. 22-Mar. 26, 1755.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
February 28
Frederick County, ss.
Take into your Custody the Body of John West, junr. and him have
before me, for destroying my Warrant against sundry Persons, that
I sent for to serve his Majesty, fail not at your Peril. Given under
my Hand and Seal, this 3d Day of January, 1755.
John Rawlings, | SEAL |
To Luke Bernard, | Mr. Bernard, you must go and serve it To-
Constable. | morrow Morning.
Which was Read, and ordered to lie on the Table.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock Afternoon.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Mr. Hicks, and Col. Fitzhugh, appeared in the House.
The Accounts and Papers communicated by his Excellency the
Governor to Mr. Speaker, and by him to the House, relating to the
Disposal of the Sum of £6000 granted by Act of Assembly for
his Majesty's Service, were Read. And,
On Motion, Ordered, That the Examination of the said Accounts
and Papers be referred to Mr. Murdock, Mr. Waggaman, Mr. Stod-
dert, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Govane, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Sprigg,
p. 36
Mr. Crabb, Mr. Baker, and Capt. Jordan, as a Committee, from this
House, for that Purpose, and that they make Report thereof
It being moved by a Member, That for the more effectual raising
the Sum of £10,000 for his Majesty's Service, a Capitation of One
Shilling and Six Pence be made :
Thereupon, the Question was put, Whether the following Ques-
tion shall be now put ? (viz. Whether a Poll Tax of One Shilling and
Six Pence shall be levied ?) Resolved in the Negative.
For the Negative,
Reeder, Jordan, Baker,
Williamson, Moore, Ward,
Wallis, Handy, Addison,
Hynson, M. Tilghman, Murdock,
Hammond, Edmonson, Hawkins,
Carroll, Edge, Lloyd,
Hall, Gray, E. Tilghman,
Gassaway, Travers, Casson,
J. Mackall, Paca, Bracco,
Reynolds, Tolley, Crabb,
Smallwood, Govane, Beall,
Stoddert, Earle, Sprigg. [36]