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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1755-1756
Volume 52, Page 57   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 57

By the Committee of Grievances and Courts of Justice
Febry 28th, 1755.
Upon the Representation of M.r Henry Wright Crabb, one of
the Members of the Honble House, that a certain John Rawlings,
Gent, one of the Justices of the Peace for Frederick County had
under Colour of such his Office caused one Thomas Kelly a Free-
holder of the same County, to be taken up for a Soldier and that
without any Application to him made by any Officer or Officers
thereto authorized by an Act, Entituled An Act for taking and detain-
ing able bodied Men for his Majesty's Service and contrary to the

Liber No. 48
February 28

Tenor of the same Act as also, that he the said Rawlings, by his
Letter, dated the 23d Day of December last past, directed to Messrs.
Lynn, Jones, and Prather, Justices of the same County, hereunto
annexed, had granted his Warrant, to William Spiers, against a
certain Benjamin Harris, for the Sum of Two Pounds Ten Shillings,
when at the same Time, he by the said Letter confesses, there was
a greater Sum due to the said Spiers, from the aforesaid Harris :
And further, that he the aforesaid John Rawlings, did, on the 4th
Day of January last, commit a certain John West, to the Sheriff of
the same County, by an illegal Mittimus, a Duplicate of which is
hereunto annexed.
All which Actings of the said Rawlings, your Committee conceive
to be contrary to Right and Law; but is humbly submitted to the
Consideration of your Honourable House.
Signed per Order, William Wilkins, Clerk.

And the following papers, viz.t
Mr. Lynn, or Mr. Jones, or Mr. Prather.
As I have issued a Warrant against Benjamin Harris, at the Suit
of William Spiers, for Two Pounds Ten Shillings, desire that you will
not sign up a Judgment against the Plaintiff, for to my Knowlege
he has been very ill used by Harris, and I verily believe that Debt
to be just, and more if he could bring it under a Warrant.
Am your very humble Servant,
December 23, 1754. John Rawlings.

Frederick County, ss.
Take into your Custody the Body of John West, junr. and him
safe keep in your Goal, till he has given you Security for his Appear-
ance on the Third Tuesday in March, 1755, at Frederick County
Court, in the Sum of Twenty Pounds, to answer the Complaint that
I shall make against him, fail not at your Peril. Given under my
Hand and Seal, this 4th Day of January, 1755.

John Rawlings, | SEAL |
To Samuel Beall, Esq; Sheriff.

You are to receive the said John West, junr. by the Hands of
Luke Bernard, Constable.

P. 33

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1755-1756
Volume 52, Page 57   View pdf image (33K)
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