to be presented to him, and desires to know when, and where, he
will please to receive it: They return, and acquaint Mr. Speaker,
that the Governor was pleased to signify, he was ready to receive
the Address immediately in the Conference Chamber.
Ordered, That Mr. Benjamin Mackall, and Five more, do present
the Address.
In Pursuance of the Order of the House, the following Bill is
inserted, viz.t
A Bill Entituled An Act to prevent any Persons or Persons within
this Province, from exporting Provisions of any Kind, Ammuni-
tion, or Warlike Stores, for the Time therein mentioned.
Whereas it is represented to this General Assembly, that some of
the Northern Governments have thought fit, for his Majesty's
Service, to prevent the Exportation of Provision, Ammunition, or
Warlike Stores, for some Time, thereby to avoid Supplies to the
French; and in Order to the checking such Supplies, it is prayed
that it may be enacted.
Liber No. 48
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That from and after the End of this Session of As-
sembly, until the Tenth Day of August next, it shall not be lawful
for any Person or Persons within this Province, to export, or carry
out of this Province, by Water, from any River, Creek, Port, Inlet,
or Chesapeak Bay, in any Ship or Vessel whatsoever, any Wheat,
Flour, Pork, Beef, Indian Corn, Meal or Provision, of any Kind or
Denomination forever, or Ammunition, or Warlike Stores, during
the Time aforesaid.
And it is hereby further Enacted, That no Collector, Naval Officer,
or other Officer, having Power within this Province, shall clear out
any Ship, or other Vessel, having on board any Wheat, Flower, Pork,
Beef, Indian Corn, Meal or Provisions, of any Kind or Denomina-
tion foever, or any Ammunition, or Warlike Stores whatever, for
and during the Space and Term aforesaid; and in Case any Person
or Persons whatsoever, shall and do, during the Space and Term
aforesaid, export out of this Province by Water, any Wheat, Flower,
Beef, Indian Corn, Meal, or Provisions of any Kind or Denomina-
tion, or any Ammunition or Warlike Stores, in any Ship or Vessel
whatsoever, such Ship or other Vessel, together with her Takle,
Apparel, Sails, Boats, together with the full Value of such Loading,
shall be, and is hereby declared to be forfeited, to the Right Honour-
able the Lord Proprietary of this Province, his Heirs and Successors,
to the Uses herein after applied.
And it is further Enacted, That one Moiety of the Forfeitures
herein mentioned, shall be for the Use of the Informer, or him or
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