192 Assembly Proceedings, June 23-July 8, 1755.
Liber No. 48
Col. Hammond, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker,
the Bill entituled, An Act to prevent any Person or Persons within
this Province, from exporting Provisions of any Kind, Ammuni-
tion or Warlike Stores, for the Time therein mentioned, indorsed.
By the Upper house of Assembly 8th July 1755
Read the first time and ordered to Lye on the table
Signed p Order J Ross Cl: up: ho :
And thus By the Upper house of Assembly 5th July 1755
Read the second time by Especial Order and will pass with the
following amendment leave out after the word applyed in the 17th
line of the first Page to the word provided in the 13:th line of the
second page and Insert the following that is to say one third part
to the use of the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary his heirs
and Successors one third part to the Governor or Commander in
Chief of this Province for the time being and the other third part
to such person or persons as shall sue for the same to be Recovered
in any Court of Record within this Province by Action of Debt
Bill plaint or Information wherein no Essoin Protection or Wager
of Law shall be allowed.
Signed p Order J Ross Cl: up: ho :
On Motion, Ordered, that the Bill entituled, An Act to prevent
any Person or Persons within this Province, from exporting Pro-
visions of any Kind, Ammunition, or Warlike Stores, for the Time
therein mentioned, be inserted and printed in the Journal, with the
several Indorsements thereon.
Philip Hammond, from the Committee of Laws, brings in the
P. 157
following ingrossed Address, viz.
To his Excellency Horatio Sharpe, Esq; Governor and Commander
in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland.
The humble Address of the House of Delegates.
May it please your Excellency,
The Proceedings of this Session will, we hope, evince to all the
World our sincere Intentions for his Majesty's Service, and the
Relief of our Country, and especially the back Inhabitants, and as
we have sufficient Reason to despair of the Concurrence of the
Upper House, at this Time, in such Measures as we think best
adapted to those Purposes, we must repeat our Request to your Ex-
cellency, for the Reasons mentioned in our former Address to this
Purpose, to put a speedy End to this Section.
Which was read and assented to, and signed, by Order of the
House, by the Honourable Speaker.
Ordered, That Philip Hammond, Esq; and Col. John Henry, do
acquaint his Excellency, that this House hath prepared an Address