Liber No. 48
July 8
them that shall or will sue for the same, and the other Half for his
Majesty's Service, to be applied as herein after directed.
And it is hereby Enacted, That where any Forfeiture shall happen,
and the same shall be adjudged upon any Suit, or Information, by
Virtue of this Act, that then the other Moiety of such Forfeiture,
not herein given, to the Informer, or him or them that shall or will
sue for the same, shall be disposed of by the Naval Officer of the
District where the same shall happen, and such Part as is not payable
in Money, shall be sold, by such Naval Officer, as aforesaid, in Ten
Days after Judgment, for Current Money of Maryland; and all the
Monies, by such Forfeiture and Sale as aforesaid arising, shall, by
p. 159
such Naval Officer, be paid to the Treasurer of the respective Shore,
for his Majesty's Service, to be by such Treasurers, paid to the
Order of the Governor, or Commander in Chief for the Time being,
to defray the Expence of a Courier, or Couriers, to and from the
City of Annapolis in Maryland, and Fort-Cumberland at Wills's-
Creek, on Patowmack River, in the said Province, and back again to
And it is hereby Enacted, That the several and respective Naval
Officers within this Province shall, and they are hereby obliged and
directed to, return to the General Assembly of this Province, a dis-
tinct Account of all Money which shall arise by Virtue of this Act,
from Time to Time; and that in Case any more Money shall remain
in the Hands of the respective Treasurers, than may answer to defray
the Expence of the said Couriers from and to Annapolis, and Wills's-
Creek, and back to Annapolis, in the Space and Term of Four
Months; that then, and in such Case, all such Surplus is hereby
declared and enacted, shall be applied by the General Assembly to
his Majesty's Service, to defray any necessary or contingent Ex-
pences in the present Expedition to the Westward of this Province,
for the Protection of his Majesty's Subjects.
Provided always, and it is the true Intent and Meaning of this
Act, that Bread, Meat, Flour, or other Provisions, for the necessary
Use or Support of the Officers and Men, on board any Ship or
Vessel, for the Voyage for which such Ship or other Vessel Clears,
or the necessary Stores, Ammunition, Cannon, and Small-Arms, suit-
able for the Defence of such Ship or other Vessel, shall not be
deemed, or construed to be within the Restriction or Prohibition,
intended or meant by this Act; any Thing therein contained to the
contrary thereof, in any wise, notwithstanding.
And the following Indorsements viz.t
By the Lower House of Assembly, July 8, 1755.
Read the first and second Time by an especial Order and will pass.
Signed per Order, M. Macnemara, cl. lo. Ho.