Volume 51, Page 428 View pdf image (33K) |
428 Chancery Court Proceedings, 1673. Liber P C Richard Wells in his life time for sevrall goods to him sent and Consigned to him by the said Rich.d A.° 1668. by the hands of John Dunch master of the Baltemore, and for sevrall servents sent in also at the same tyme, which said goods and servants were all accordingly D.d by Dunch to the Defend.t or his order That the defend.t hath pleaded he was never receivr of the said Rich.d and the cause now stands at Issue whether the defendt was receivr or not Receiv.r But for want of the Testimony of the said Dunch who is yor Principall Evidence to proove the bills of Lading p. 47 for the said Goods and receipts given for the servants shipped and Consigned afforesd and to prove the Delivry of the said goods & servants to the Defendt or his order, your pettrs durst not goe to tryall Now forasmuch as the said Dunch is now Arrived and will goe out of this Country before the Tryall can be had yor pettrs humbly pray your Excellency will will be pleased to graunt unto yor pettrs a spa against the said Dunch to appeare before yor Excellency or the Hon.ble the Chancellr to Testefy the truth of his Knowledge in the said Accon of acc.t betweene the said pties. and that a Coppie of this petticon and ordr thereon being given to the Defendt or to any of his Attorneys, Mr Ward, Mr Rousby, and Mr Cheseldine, and others being Attorneys for him and notice of the tyme and place when & where and before whome he is to be examined lest with them in wryting, the said Defendt or his Attorneys may be there prsent to Crosse examine him if they please And yor pettrs as in dutye shall pray &c Under neath the foregoeing Petticon was written as ffolloweth I thinke the petticon is Reasonable, and doe therefore ordr supa To Issue according to the prayer of the petitioners Charles Calvert Maryland ss At a Court held for the Chancery and Provincial Co.rt begun on Tuesday this Eleaventh day of November in the 42th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c Annoq Diomini 1673, and from the sd 11th day of November by writ of Adjournmt of the sd Lord Proprie- tary Adjourned untill the 12th day of the same November and their continued untill the Sevententh day of the same moneth on wch sd Seaventeenth day was prsent His Excllyy Charles Calvert Esq Cheif Judge in Equity. Philip Calvert Esp Chancelo.r William Calvert The honoble Baker Brooke Jesse Wharton & Esq. Thomas Taylor |
Volume 51, Page 428 View pdf image (33K) |
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