Volume 51, Page 262 View pdf image (33K) |
262 Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679. Liber CD Watkins of this County of Ann Arundell and that the Said Elizabeth dyed ab. the year Annoq Dom 1672 without issue or will. That the Occupation of the Said Caplin's Lands & Tenem.ts were in the hands of Capt Thomas Bessom who married Hester the Relict & Adrn.rx of the Said Caplin & Received the issues & profits of the Same and also paid the Rents thereof unto Richard Collett his Lordship Receiver untill the time of the Intermarriage of the sd Elizabeth onely daughter & Sole heiress of the S.d Caplin the sd Thos Watkins That the Said Rents hath been duely paid Ever Since untill this prsent time by the S.d Thomas Watkins for the Said four hundred acres of Land unto his Lordship's high Sheriffs of this County of Ann Arund.ll unto us by Receipts Given under their hands for his Lordship's use That they the Said Jurors find no other issue or heir or heiress the Henry Caplin had at the time of his decease but onely the af.d Elizabeth deed that Intermarried with the af.d Tho.s Watkins neither the Said Jurors find any issue or heiress of the S.d Eliz.a the S.d Land & Tenem.ts Called Oatley's Choice at this prsent is & has been in the Occupation of the Said Thomas Watkins Ever Since his Intermarriage of the Said Elizabeth who doth receive the issues and profits hereof W.m Burges sealed Nathan.” Heathcote sealed (fol. 258) Thomas ffrancis sealed Hen: Hanslap sealed Nichos Gassowaysealed Henry White sealed Rich.d Tydeingssealed Thomas Smithwicksealed Jn.° Taylor sealed W.m Bateman sealed Thomas Besson sealed Jacob Harris sealed John Grason sealed Rob.t Clarksonsealed Which being Read & heard it is the Opinion of the Court here this day to wit the fourth day of June in the 4.th year of y.e Dom.n of the R.t Hon.ble Charles Lord Baltemore &a Annoq Dom 1679 that the aforemenconed Land & premisses are Escheated unto his Lord (fol. 258) ship for want of heir Nic: Painter Ct Cur Provincialis Inquisition Will.m Pagget's Land An Inquisition Indented taken at the house of Thomas Knighton near Herring Creek in Ann Arundell County in the Province of Maryland upon the twelfth day of may in the fourth year of the Dominion of the Right Hon.ble Charles absolute Lord & Proprietary of the Province of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c.a Annocp Domini 1679 by us Nathaniell Heathcote & George Parker Gent By virtue of a Writt of Mandamus issued out of his Lordship's high Court of Chancery to this Inquisition Annexed to us directed By the Oaths of Jn° Sallers of Herring Creek afores.d |
Volume 51, Page 262 View pdf image (33K) |
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