Volume 51, Page 261 View pdf image (33K) |
Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679. 261 Which being Read and heard this day to witt the fourth day of Liber CD June in the fourth year of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &ca Annoq Domini 1679 It is the Judgem.t of the Court that the aforemenconed Land & premisses are Escheated to his Lordship for want of heir Nic: Painter Ct Cur Provincialis Ann Arundell Co.tY ss. Hen: Caplins Land By virtue of his Lordships the Lord Prop.ry Mandamus to us William Burges & Nathaniell Heathcote directed bearing date at S.t Marys the Twenty Seventh day of march Annoq Dom 1679 Commanding us that by the Oaths of twelve Good & Lawfull men of this County of Ann Arundell that the truth of the matter may the better be known and Enquired of that you diligently Enquire what Lands Henry Caplin late of this County of Annarundell deced dyed Seized of at the time of his Death as of ffee in the S.d County of Ann Arundell and of what manno.r and under what Rents & Services and how much those Lands & Tenements are of value by the year in all issues and what time the Said Henry Caplin dyed & who is his next heir and of what age the heir is and who those lands & Tenem.ts from the time of the death of the Said Henry Caplin hath or doth Occupy and the issues or profits hath or doth receive and by what Title & how & in what manner and who hath paid the Rent for the Same and to whom and the Inquisition thereof distinctly and openly make to his Lordship's Chan.ry under our hands & Seals & the hands & Seals of those by whom the Same Shall be made we without delay Send In Obedience thereunto we William Burges and Nathaniell Heath- p. 213 cote the first day of Aprill Annoq Domini 1679 have by the high 257) Sheriff of the Said County of Ann Arundell Caused to Summoned Twelve Good men of this County of Annarundell who this day have made their appearance before us viz.t Thomas ffrancis, Nicholas Gassoway Richard Tydeings John Taylor, Thomas Beason, John Gressarn Henry Hanslap Henry White Thomas Smithwick, Will.tm Bateman Jacob Harris, Robert Claxton and were Sworne for that purpose Jury aforesaid have unanimously Conceived agreed upon and declared as hereafter followeth viz.t That the Said Henry Caplin was Seized of at the time of his decease as of ffee in the manno.r of Ann Arundell of four hundred acres of Land with a Small Tenem.t and Some other out Buildings of the Value of four hundred pounds of Tobacco p Annum in free and Common Soccage by ifealty only for all Services Reserveing onely the old Rents p acre to be paid to his Ldp w.ch is 2.S p 100 acres which Said Land is known by the name of Oatleys Choice, That the Sd Henry Caplin dyed in the year 1658 and left issue only one Daughter named Elizabeth who Intermarried with one Thomas |
Volume 51, Page 261 View pdf image (33K) |
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