Volume 51, Page 263 View pdf image (33K) |
Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679. 263 Thomas fford of the Same Walter Carr of the Same, Robert Con- Liber CD nant of the Same Richard Deaver of the Same Richard Wells of the Same Thomas Knighton of the Same Garrett Hopkins of the Same Samuell Reniger of the Same John Gale of the Same, William Sivick of the Same and Leonard Coate of the Same The Jury who upon their Oaths Say as followeth viz.t That the Said William Paggett was at the time of his Death Seized in Actuall possession of a plantation or Tract of Land Containing Two hundred & fifty acres be the Same more or Less with one Dwelling house and Severall Tobacco Houses Lying near Herring Creek in the County of Ann Arundell aforesd To be holden of his Lordship and his heirs as of his Lordship's manno.T of Ann Arundell in free and Common Soccage by ifealty onely for all Services under the yearly Rent of five Shillings Sterling in Silver or Gold or the value thereof in Such Commodities as his Lordship or his heirs or Such officer or officers appointed by his Lordship or his heirs from time to time to Collect and Receive the Same Shall accept in discharge (fol. 259) thereof at the Choice of his Ldp & his heirs or Such officer or officers as afores.d The Jurors further Say that the S.d Plantacon.& Tract of Land & prmisses are now in the possession of Mary Thorley widow the late wife of Edward Thorley deced and that the Same Lands & premisses as the now are, are worth four hundred pounds of Tobacco p annum over and above the Rent above Re served to his Lordship and that the s.d W.m Paggett in the year of our Lord God one thousand Six hundred & Sixty made his Last will & Testam.t in writeing and Bequeathed the Sd Plantacon and Tract of Land to his two Sons William & Thomas Pagett and Shortly after dyed W.Ch Said two Sons W.m & Thomas Pagett dyed Orphants Intestate, The Jurors further Say that J Pascall the Son of James Pascall is the next heir to the Said W.m & Thomas Pagett he being the Son of James Pascall Brother of Amy Pagett the late Wife of the Said William Pagett the mother of the Said two Sons William & Thomas Paggett deceased who they think is half Blood with them and that the Said heir is now in his two & Twenty years of age The Jurors further Say that George Pascall the Guardian of the Said William Paggett the Younger Since the Death of the Said William Paggett the Elder hath Received the issues and profits thereof to the value of four hundred pounds of Tobacco p annum and that Edward Thorley in his life time & mary his Relict have held the Said Land and Plantation by virtue of a lease Demised them by George Pascall the Guardian of the S.” Son p. 215 William Pagett, and that the Said George Pascall Edwd Thorley (fol. 259) and his wife have paid the yearly Rent due to his Lordship for the S.d Lands and premisses to the Severall Sheriffs of Ann Arundell County Receivers for his Lordship Successively yearly and Every Year untill this present year, In Testimony whereof the Said Com |
Volume 51, Page 263 View pdf image (33K) |
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