564 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-25, 1754.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
Officer taking such Bond, in the Space of Six Months after the Date
of such Bond, shall vacate the same.
Clerks to
pay the
Money for
Pedlars Li-
censes, into
the Office:]
[Their Com-
And it is hereby further Enacted, That the respective County
Clerks within this Province shall, and they are hereby obliged and
directed, to pay all the Money which they shall receive from Time to
Time, and at all Times during the Continuance of this Act, for
Licenses to Hawkers, Pedlars, and Petty-Chapmen, to the Commis-
sioners of the Loan-Office for the Time being, deducting to such
Clerk or Clerks a Commission of Two and an Half per Centum, and
so in Proportion for a greater or lesser Sum; and that the Bonds of
such respective County Clerks, for Discharge of their Offices, with
themselves and their Sureties respectively, in such Bonds, shall stand
and be liable for all Monies which they shall receive, by Virtue of this
Act, and shall and may be sued for the Non-Payment thereof, as for
any other Neglect or Breaches in their respective Offices.
Keepers to
pay 20 s.
more than
was directed
by a former
Act, for each
p. 157
And be it likewise Enacted, That every Ordinary-Keeper within
this Province shall, on taking out License next August Court, and
every August Court, during the Continuance of this Act, in the
respective Counties where such Ordinary-Keeper, or Keepers, shall
or do reside, pay to the Sheriff the Sum of Twenty Shillings, Current
Money of Maryland, over and above the Money heretofore directed
to be paid for such License or Licenses, in the same Manner as is
directed by an Act of Assembly of this Province entituled, An Act for
issuing and taking out of the Office of the Commissioners, or
Trustees, appointed for emitting Bills of Credit established by Act
of Assembly, the Sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred Pounds,
Current Money, for Encouragement of such able-bodied Freemen as
shall voluntarily enlist themselves, in his Majesty's Service, for the
intended Expedition against Canada, and for maintaining and con-
veying them to the Place of Rendezvous, and also for replacing of the
said Sum, and for the better regulating Ordinaries, and Ordinary-
Keepers, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
[Sheriffs to
pay into the
And be it likewise Enacted, That the several and respective Sheriffs
shall, and they are hereby directed and obliged, to pay all Monies
which they shall receive, by Virtue of this and the before recited Act,
to the Commissioners of the Loan-Office yearly, in the same Manner,
and under the same Regulation, as is directed by this and the said
recited Act.
[Part of a
former Act
And be it likewise Enacted, That such Parts of the Act of Assem-
bly entituled, An Act for issuing and taking out of the Office of the
Commissioners, or Trustees, appointed for emitting Bills of Credit
established by Act of Assembly, the Sum of Four Thousand Five
Hundred Pounds, Current Money, for Encouragement of such able-
bodied Freemen as shall voluntarily enlist themselves in his Majesty's
Service, for the intended Expedition against Canada, and for main-