Acts. 563
vant: And that for every Negro imported into this Province, by
Land or Water, the Importer or Importers of such Negro or Negroes,
shall pay to the said Naval Officer, the Sum of Ten Shillings Cur-
rent Money, over and above the Duties or Impositions already directed
and appointed to be paid by any former Act or Acts of Assembly of
this Province: And that there shall be paid a Duty of Two Pence
Current Money per Gallon, on all Madeira Wine imported into this
Province, by Land or Water, by the Importer, or Importers, to the
respective Naval-Officer of the Port or Place where the same shall be
imported or brought into this Province, by Land or Water, as
Liber H. S.
No. 1
[For each
Negro 10 s.
beside the
[And, 2,
Pence a Gal-
lon for all
And be it further Enacted, That the Naval-Officers aforesaid shall
yearly transmit to the Commissioners of the Loan-Office, an Account,
upon Oath, of the Monies by them respectively received, in Virtue of
this Act, for the Duties or Impositions aforesaid, and yearly pay to
the Commissioners or Trustees, the Monies aforesaid, by them to be
received as aforesaid, retaining in his or their Hands respectively,
a Commission of Two and an Half per Cent. And that the Office-
Bonds of the said Naval-Officers, and their Sureties in such Bonds,
shall be answerable for all Monies so by the respective Naval-Officers
to be received as aforesaid.
[Naval Offi-
cers to trans-
mit Accounts
upon Oath:]
[Their Com-
And be it likewise Enacted, That every Master of a Ship or Ves-
sel, or other Person, who shall import Servants into this Province,
shall make true Discovery, upon Oath, to the said Naval-Officers,
of the Number of Servants by them imported, and the Time they
have to serve.
[Masters of
Vessels to be
Provided always, and it is hereby Declared, That no Germans,
or other Aliens, coming into this Province, from any Port of the
United Provinces, or Flanders, shall be held or deemed liable to pay
the Duty or Duties hereby imposed on Servants; any Thing in this
Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
p. 156
Provided also, That in Case any Duty shall be paid for Negroes,
or Servants, in Virtue of this Act, and that such Negroes and Ser-
vants cannot be sold by the Importers, and that such Importer shall
desire to export such Slaves or Servants, and shall give Bond with
sufficient Sureties to the Naval-Officer to whom such Duty hath been
paid, that he or they shall and will export such Slaves or Servants to
any other his Majesty's Plantations, it shall be lawful for such Naval-
Officer to repay the same Duty for such Slaves or Servants, so as
aforesaid by him received, in Proportion to the Number of Slaves or
Servants so Bonded to be exported, and that a Certificate under the
Hand and Seal of the Collector and Naval-Officer of the District in
any other his Majesty's Colonies, where the said Servants or Slaves
shall be carried to, that such Servants and Slaves have been bona fide
entered with such Collector and Naval-Officer, returned to the Naval-
[In Case
Servants and
cannot be
sold, the Na-
val Officers
are to repay
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