Acts. 565
taining and conveying them to the Place of Rendezvous, as also for
replacing of the said Sum, and for the better regulating Ordinaries,
and Ordinary-Keepers, and for other Purposes therein mentioned, as
relate to the Regulating of Ordinaries, Ordinary-Keepers, granting
Ordinary-Licenses, and the several Clauses, Matters and Things
therein mentioned, concerning the same, shall be, and are hereby con-
tinued in full Force, until such Time as the Purposes of the said
recited Act, and an Act of Assembly of this Province entituled, An
Act for issuing and taking out of the Office of the Commissioners, or
Trustees, for emitting Bills of Credit established by Act of Assembly,
the Sum of Nine Hundred Pounds, Current Money, in Bills of
Credit, as also for the Payment of Two Hundred Pounds, Sterling
Money, for purchasing Provisions for his Majesty's Forces raised in
this Province, and other Purposes, and for continuing Part of an
Act therein mentioned, shall be fully answered; and also until such
Time as that the Sum of Six Thousand Pounds hereby directed to
be paid, shall be raised and paid to the Commissioners or Trustees
for emitting Bills of Credit established by Act of Assembly as afore-
said, for the Uses and Purposes in this Act mentioned, with such
further Sum or Sums of Money as shall or may arise by this and the
aforesaid recited Act hereby continued, and to the End of the next
Session of Assembly which shall thereafter happen.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
And be it further Enacted, That the Commissioners of the Loan-
Office for the Time being, shall, and they are hereby obliged, required,
and directed, to keep a distinct and particular Account of Money paid
to the Uses of this Act, and upon every Payment to be made to them,
to Credit such Account, by the Person paying the same, and upon the
particular Branch of the Provisions made by this Act, for the Repay-
ment of the said Monies to be issued by Virtue and Direction of this
Act. And that in Case during the Continuance of the said recited
Act hereby continued, or this present Act, any more Money shall be
raised or paid to the Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid, in Virtue
thereof, and this Act, than the said Sum of Four Thousand Pounds
Eight Shillings, to be paid by the Commissioners or Trustees afore-
said, and the said Sum of Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Nine
Pounds Twelve Shillings, taken out of the Treasurer's Hands, that
the Surplus or Remainder shall be, and is hereby directed to be, appro-
priated and applied towards Discharge of the Public Expences of
this Province, as the General Assembly thereof, for the Time being,
shall direct and appoint; and the said Commissioners shall pay the
said Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Nine Pounds Twelve Shillings,
as also such Surplus, when received, as the General Assembly shall
direct and appoint, and that the Office-Bonds of the said Commis-
sioners, and their Sureties, shall be answerable for all Monies by them
received in Virtue of this Act.
sioners to
keep exact
and particu-
lar Ac-
p. 158