562 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-25, 1754.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
such Pedlar, Hawker, or Petty-Chapman, before any Justice of the
Peace, and such Justice is hereby impowered and directed to bind over
such Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty-Chapman, to the next County Court,
there to be dealt with according to Law.
[Proviso, as
to Linens,
&c. made
Provided always, That Persons travelling with Linen of the
Growth and Manufacture of this Province, and selling or bartering
the same, or any Kind of Provision, or Hemp, Flax, Thread or
Yarn, only of the Growth or Manufacture of this or any other
Place, shall not be deemed or held as Hawkers, Pedlars, or Petty-
Chapmen, within this Act; any Thing herein to the contrary not-
[Wheels of
Chairs, &c to
be tax'd
yearly the
sum of 5 s.
for each
And be it further Enacted, That for all Coaches, Chairs, Chaises,
and Chariots, or such like Carriages, belonging to, and used by, the
Inhabitants of this Province, there shall be paid by the respective
Owners thereof, the Sum of Five Shillings Current Money yearly,
for every Wheel belonging to such Coaches, Chairs, Chaises, and
Chariots, or such like Carriages, and that the Constables of the
respective Hundreds in the several Counties within this Province,
shall yearly, and every Year, at the Time of taking the Taxables in
to return
Lists every
p. 155
Clerks to
make out
Two Lists,
at Nov.
their respective Hundreds, take an exact Account of the Number of
Wheels belonging to all such Coaches, Chairs, Chaises, Chariots, and
such like Carriages, in their respective Hundreds, and return Lists
of the same at every August Court, and Two Lists thereof shall be
made out by the respective Clerks Ex Officio at every November
Court, at the laying of their County Levy, One List thereof to be
transmitted to the Commissioners of the Loan-Office for the Time
being, and the other List delivered to the Sheriff, who is by this Act
impowered and obliged to collect the Money aforesaid, in Bills of
for collect-
Credit, in the same Manner that the County Levy is collected, and
yearly pay the same to the Commissioners of the Loan-Office for the
Time being, for which the said Sheriff shall retain to his own Use a
Commission of Two and an Half per Centum.
[Masters of
Ships im-
porting Ser-
vants for 7
Years, to pay
20 s. for
[For every
one under 7,
to pay 5 s.]
And be it likewise Enacted, That all Masters of Ships and Vessels,
and others, importing Servants into this Province, by Land or Water,
to serve for the Term of Seven Years or upwards, at the Time of
their Entry, shall pay unto the Naval-Officer for the Time being,
belonging to such Port or Place where they make their Entry, the
Sum of Twenty Shillings Current Money per Poll, for each Servant :
And that all Masters of Ships and Vessels, and others, importing
Servants into this Province, by Land or Water, to serve by Indenture,
or Custom of the Country, for a less Term than Seven Years, at the
Time of their Entry, shall pay unto the Naval-Officer for the Time
being, belonging to such Port or Place where they make their Entry,
the Sum of Five Shillings Current Money per Poll, for each Ser-