Acts. 561
and obliged, upon Application of any such Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty-
Chapman, to make out License for such Pedlar, Hawker, or Petty-
Chapman, in the Words following, viz. " License is hereby granted
unto A. B. to travel and trade as a Hawker, Pedlar, and Petty-
Chapman, within the Province of Maryland, for the Space and Term
of One Year, to commence from the Date hereof, he behaving him-
self well. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Office, at ,
in County, this Day of , 175 ." For which Li-
Liber H. S.
No. 1
[The Form.]
cense and Seal, such Pedlar, Hawker, or Petty-Chapman, shall pay
the Sum of Four Pounds, Current Money, to such County Clerk; as
also, for a Fee, the Sum of Five Shillings, Money aforesaid: And
all such Hawkers, Pedlars, and Petty-Chapmen, shall, and they are
hereby obliged, before they shall trade or barter as aforesaid, to
renew such License yearly, and every Year, paying the like Sum of
Four Pounds for such License, as also, for a Fee on every such
License, the Sum of Five Shillings, with the same Clerk from whom
he or they first took such License, or with some other County Clerk
within this Province.
[To pay 4 1.
for each Li-
cense, and a
Fee of 5 s. to
the Clerk.]
p. 154
And be it likewise Enacted, That before any License shall be
granted to any Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty-Chapman, to trade within
this Province, such Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty-Chapman, shall, and he
or they are hereby obliged to take the several Oaths (or Affirma-
tion if a Quaker) of Allegiance, Abhorrency, and Abjuration, and
sign the same, and repeat and subscribe the Test, before such County
Clerk from whom he or they shall obtain License as aforesaid, which
County Clerk is hereby authorized, impowered, and directed, to tender
and administer the same accordingly.
[To take the
Oaths to the
And be it likewise Enacted, That in Case any Hawker, Pedlar, or
Petty-Chapman, shall, after the Time aforesaid, be found travelling
with Goods for Sale within this Province, without first applying for
and obtaining a License for that Purpose, according to the Intent and
Directions of this Act, such Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty-Chapman,
shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Eight Pounds, Current Money, one
Moiety whereof to be paid to the Sheriff of the County where the
Conviction shall be had, and applied for his Majesty's Service, to
the Uses mentioned in this Act, and the other Moiety to the Informer ;
to be recovered by Indictment, or Information, in the County Court
where such Offence shall be committed.
[Penalty on
Pedlars for
without a
And be it likewise Enacted, That any Person, but more particu-
larly, every high Sheriff and his Deputies, Constable, Vestryman, and
Churchwarden, within this Province, shall and may, and they, and
every of them, are hereby directed and impowered to examine such
Pedlar, Hawker, or Petty-Chapman, and require him or her to pro-
duce his or her License, and in Case of Refusal or Neglect of such
Pedlar, Hawker, or Petty-Chapman, to produce the same, to carry
[Pedlars to
be ex-