560 Assembly Proceedings, fitly 17-25, 1754.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
by their allied Indians: Wherefore, to demonstrate our Willingness
to answer his Majesty's Commands, signified as aforesaid, and also,
to assist our neighbouring Colony of Virginia, it is humbly prayed
that it may be enacted,
p. 153
[4000 1. 8 s.
Currency, to
be paid to the
out of the
Office, for
his Majes-
ty's Ser-
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Commissioners of the Loan-Office,
for the Time being, shall and do pay to his Excellency Horatio
Sharpe, Esq; Governor of Maryland, or his Order, or to the Com-
mander in Chief for the Time being, or his Order, for his Majesty's
Service, the Sum of Four Thousand Pounds Eight Shillings, in Bills
of Credit, towards the Defence of the Colony of Virginia, and his
Majesty's Dominions, and the Relief and Support of the Wives and
Children of the Indian Allies, that put themselves under the Protec-
tion of this Government, at such Times, and in such Sums, as he the
said Horatio Sharpe, Esq; or the Commander in Chief for the Time
being, shall find necessary, and the Receipt or Receipts of his Excel-
lency Horatio Sharpe, Esq; Governor of Maryland, or of the Com-
mander in Chief for the Time being, or of the Persons to whom pay-
able, on such Order or Orders, shall be sufficient to justify the said
Commissioners of the Loan-Office for such Payment or Payments,
the said Com-missioners keeping a distinct Account of all such Pay-
[900 1. by the
Treasurer of
the Western
ments: And that the Treasurer of the Western-Shore of this Prov-
ince for the Time being shall, and he is hereby directed and impow-
ered to pay unto the said Horatio Sharpe, Esq; or his Order, or to
the Commander in Chief for the Time being, or his Order, the Sum
[And, 1099 1.
12 s. by the
Treasurer of
the Eastern
of Nine Hundred Pounds Current Money, for the Purposes afore-
said: And that the Treasurer of the Eastern-Shore for the Time
being shall, and he is hereby directed and impowered to pay unto the
said Horatio Sharpe, Esq; or his Order, or to the Commander in
Chief for the Time being, or his Order, the Sum of One Thousand
and Ninety Nine Pounds Twelve Shillings Current Money, for the
[6000 1. in
the Whole.]
same Purposes. And for the Repayment and Replacing of the said
several Sums, amounting in the Whole to Six Thousand Pounds, so
to be paid to the said Horatio Sharpe, Esq; or the Commander in
Chief for the Time being, or his or their Order,
[For replac-
ing the said
Sum, every
Pedlar to
take out
Be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That all and every Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty-Chapman,
travelling on Foot, or Horse-Back, or otherwise carrying Goods and
Merchandize from Place to Place, or to the Dwelling-Houses of the
good People of this Province, or to Fairs and Markets within the
same, after the First Day of October next, shall, before they trade,
barter, or sell, any such Goods or Merchandize, take out License,
from some County Clerk within this Province; and every County
Clerk within this Province, for the Time being, is hereby directed