364 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 2-Nov. 17, 1753.
Liber H. S.
No. I
[St. Jame's
Parish to
choose In-
spectors for
one House
in Allhal-
lows Parish
in Anne
And whereas the Warehouse appointed by this Act to be built at
the Head of a Creek, commonly called Watkins's Creek, issuing out
of West River, on the Land of Thomas Sprigg, in Anne-Arundel
County, happens to be so situated as that it will stand in the Outer-
most Bounds of Allhallows Parish, next adjoining to St. James's
Parish, wherein Pig Point Warehouse will stand, and as those Two
Warehouses are, by this Act, to be under one and the same Inspec-
tion, and that there are Two other Warehouses already fixed in the
said Allhallows Parish, it is thought reasonable by this General
Assembly, that the Vestrymen and Churchwardens of only One of
the said Parishes, should nominate and recommend, as by this Act
is before directed, the Two Inspectors to be appointed to attend the
said Warehouses on Sprigg's Land, and Pig Point aforesaid: Be it
therefore Enacted, That the Vestrymen and Churchwardens of St.
James's Parish, for the Time being, shall be, and they are hereby,
impowered to nominate and recommend Four able and sufficient
Planters, well skilled in Tobacco, for the Execution of the Office
of Inspectors, Two of which Persons, so nominated and recom-
mended, shall be appointed Inspectors for the Warehouses last
mentioned; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding.
Whereas Two Warehouses are by this Act established at Kings-
[Rent for
two Houses
in Talbot
how paid.]
p. 105
Town, in Talbot County, one on the Lot of William Gale, the
other on the Lot of William Wilson, and forasmuch as it is the
Intention of this Act, that the said House on Wilson's Lot should
be used for storing Tobacco only, and the Owner thereof not bur-
thened with the Expence of keeping Prizes for his said House, or a
Wharff and Crane, at his Landing: Be it therefore hereby Enacted
and Declared, That One Third Part only of the Nine Pence per
Hogshead, due for Rent on all Tobacco delivered out of the said
Two Warehouses, shall be paid to the Owner of the House on
William Wilson's Lot, and the remaining Two Thirds to the Owner
of the House on William Gale's Lot.
[Beam, &c.
to be pro-
vided for a
House in
And be it further Enacted, That the Proprietor or Proprietors of
the Warehouses, at Oxford, on the Lot of Grundy Pemberton, shall,
and they are hereby obliged to find and provide for the said House
or Houses, a good and sufficient Beam, Weights and Scales, to be
approved of by the Justices of Talbot County.
[Rent how
And it is hereby further Enacted and Declared, That the Sum
of Nine Pence per Hogshead, due for Rent on all Tobacco delivered
out of the said Houses, and the Warehouses on the Lot of Richard
Guildart, shall be paid by the Inspectors of the said Houses by even
and equal Portions to the Proprietors or Owners thereof.
&c. at Old
Field Land-
ing, to be
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Justices of Talbot County shall be, and they are hereby impowered
to sell, or otherwise secure and dispose of, for the Use of the said
County, the Beam, Weights and Scales, and the Ropes and Blocks,
belonging to the Warehouse, at Old-Field Landing.