Acts. 363
Provided always, That no Sheriff shall be allowed to pay off
any Person or Persons, to whose Use he shall or may receive or
Liber H. S.
No. I
collect any Sum or Sums of Money, with any of the aforesaid
Species of Coin, unless such Sheriff shall have First bona fide re-
ceived the same, from the Person or Persons who shall pay such
Sum or Sums of Money, and deliver to the Person or Persons, to
whose Use they shall, so as aforesaid, receive the same, if required,
[Sheriffs to
Account for
the particu-
lar Special.]
a particular List of the Species aforesaid, by them received, to his
or their Use, and of the Persons Names who shall pay the same,
and shall set up at every August Court, at some public Place in the
Court-House in each County, a particular List distinguishing thereby
the Sum of Paper Money, and the Species aforesaid of Gold and
Silver, he shall receive in Payment or Discharge of the Public and
County Levies.
[To set up
Lists at Au-
gust Court.]
And be it further Enacted, That the several Vestrymen and
Churchwardens within this Province shall, at some Time before the
First Day of December next, meet at their respective Parish
Churches, and nominate and recommend to the Governor, or Com-
mander in Chief for the Time being, Four or Two, as the Case may
require, able and sufficient Planters, well skilled in Tobacco, for
the Office of Inspectors or Inspector, for the Year next ensuing, at
the several Inspections, for which such Vestrymen and Church-
wardens respectively, are by this Act impowered to nominate and
recommend, and that the same Method shall be pursued and taken
to acquaint his Excellency the Governor, or Commander in Chief,
of such Nomination and Recommendation, as is by this Act before
directed; any Thing herein before contained notwithstanding.
[Time of
for 1754.]
And be it further Enacted, That all and every Person and Per-
sons, who now are, or hereafter shall be, intitled to any Action or
Actions, or who have any Action or Actions now depending, for the
Breach of any of the Laws now in Being, For amending the Staple
of Tobacco, shall have and be entitled to the full Benefit of such
Action or Actions, and be at Liberty to prosecute the same here-
after, in the same Manner, and as fully and effectually to all Intents
and Purposes, as if the said Acts were to be continued in full Force,
the Expiration of the said Laws notwithstanding. Provided, That
such Action, or Actions, be commenced within the Times limited
by the said Laws.
[Actions for
the Breach
of former
And be it further Enacted, That all Prosecutions now depend-
ing, in any of the Courts of this Province, for the Breach of any
of the Laws aforesaid, shall be continued and carried on, and that
any Person or Persons who have been, or shall hereafter be, guilty
of a Breach of any of the said Laws, and who have not yet been
prosecuted for the same, shall and may be prosecuted for all and
every such Breach, and Breaches, in the same Manner, and as fully
and effectually to all Intents and Purposes, as if the same Acts were
to be continued in full Force; the expiration of the said Laws not-
withstanding. Provided, That such Prosecution be commenced
within the Time limitted by the said Laws.
[p. 104]
tions depend-
ing at the
passing this