Acts. 365
And be it further Enacted, That no Deputy-Commissary within
this Province, shall exact, extort, demand, take, accept, or receive,
from any Person whatsoever, any Fee or Fees, Gratuity, Gift, or
Reward, for giving his Advice in any Matter or Thing, relative to
his Office, or for procuring a Commission from the Commissary-
General, to pass any Account before him.
Liber H. S.
No. I
Com. not to
charge any
Fee for Ad-
vice, &c.]
And be it further Enacted, That no Deputy-Commissary shall
exact, demand, take, or receive, any other Fee or Reward for draw-
ing and stating all Accounts, than the Sum of One Pound and an
Half of Tobacco for each Voucher produced and allowed in such
Accounts, and no more.
[Their Fees
for stating
And be it also further Enacted, That no Deputy-Commissary,
shall charge more than the Sum of Fifty Pounds of Tobacco for
passing the first Account of every Pauper Estate, or demand, exact,
or receive, any Fee or Reward, for passing any additional Ac-
count thereof.
And be it further Enacted, That in Case any Security hath been,
or shall be taken, for the Payment of any Tobacco Debt contracted,
or that became due before the Fifteenth Day of May, one Thousand
Seven Hundred and Forty Seven, to be paid in inspected Tobacco,
such Tobacco so secured, to be paid as aforesaid, shall be liable and
subject to an Abatement or Deduction of One Fourth Part. And if
any Person or Persons shall be sued on any such Security, the
Plaintiff shall, or may be examined and interrogated by the Court;
wherein the Action shall be commenced, in the same Manner as is
above in this Act provided in such Cases, wherein any Security hath
been, or shall be taken, for the Payment of Money instead of
if Debts be-
came due be-
fore May 15,
p. 106
And be it Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent afore-
said, That an Act made at a Session of Assembly, held at Annapolis,
in May, Seventeen Hundred and Forty Eight, entituled, An Act
enabling the Commissioners of Charles-Town, in Caecil County, to
build an Inspection-House in the said Town, be, and is hereby con-
tinued to be, and remain, in full Force, for and during the Con-
tinuance of this Act.
[One Act
And be it further Enacted, That the Inspector at Plymouth Ware-
house, in Dorchester County, shall not be obliged to attend at the
said Warehouse more than Three Days in a Week, between the
First Day of April and the Twentieth Day of August yearly; and
the Inspectors at the Warehouse at John Holland's on Bohemia,
more than Four Days in each Week, at the said Warehouse, from the
First Day of April, 'til the Twentieth Day of August yearly; nor
the Inspector at Charles-Town, on North-East River, more than
Three Days in each Week, between the First Day of April and the
Twentieth Day of August yearly; and the Inspector at Annapolis
Warehouse shall not be obliged to attend more than Three Days in
each Week at the said Warehouse, between the First Day of April,
[Time of At-
tendance of
the Inspec-
tors of some