360 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 2-Nov. 17, 1753.
Liber H. S.
No. I
or Deputy-Surveyor; but that the several Deputy-Surveyors shall
pay the Examiner-General for any extraordinary Trouble they give
him in re-examining, such Fees as by this Act is allowed to the
[Tobacco to
be cased and
nail'd, as
soon as
And be it further Enacted, That the several Inspectors shall be,
and are hereby obliged, whenever they shall have inspected a Hogs-
head or Hogsheads of Tobacco, to case and nail up the same in good
Order, and according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act
immediately after inspecting the same.
suspected of
ing them-
selves, or
Effects, may
be exempted,
in Case,
p. 100
And be it likewise Enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for
any the Sheriffs within this Province, and they are hereby directed
and required at any Time, between the last Day of February, and the
Tenth Day of June next following, on Notice being to them re-
spectively given, that any or either of the Inhabitants of the re-
spective Counties, who is indebted to them respectively, as aforesaid
(for which an Account hath been before the said last Day of Feb-
ruary delivered to, or left at the Dwelling-House of the said Party),
that the said Party is about to withdraw himself, or his Effects,
from the Place of his or her Residence, whereby the said Sheriff
may be hindered from executing the same according to Law, that
then and in such Case, it shall and may be lawful for the said Sheriff
to apply himself to any Magistrate of the County, and on such
Sheriff's Application to, and on Oath made by the said Sheriff, or
some other credible Person, before the said Magistrate, that the
Sheriff or such Person, is informed and verily believes, that such
Debtor is about to withdraw, or hath withdrawn, him or herself,
or his or her Effects, out of the said County, and thereby prevent
the said Sheriff from Executing such Debtor or his or her Effects,
for the Tobacco or Money, so as aforesaid due to him; which Oath
shall be made in Writing, and left with the said Magistrate, and by
him returned to the next County Court; and the said Magistrate
shall then give the said Sheriff a Warrant from under his Hand
and Seal, and thereby direct and impower the said Sheriff to levy
the Tobacco or Money, so as aforesaid due to him, in the same
Manner as he might do by this Act, after the Tenth Day of June ;
all which the said Sheriff shall do by Virtue of his Office, without
[But not to
be executed
if they give
any Execution Fee. Provided nevertheless, and it is the true Intent
and Meaning of this Act, that if any Debtor, as aforesaid, abscond-
ing or about to abscond, will give such Sheriff good and sufficient
Security, for the Payment of all such Public or County Levies,
Parochial Charges, Officers or Lawyers Fees, at any Time before
such Distress and Sale made, that then and in such Case, the Sheriff
shall, and is hereby obliged to take the, same.
not to pass
any Tobacco,
between the
20th Of Au-
gust, and 1st
of November,
unless, &c.]
And be it further Enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any the
said Inspector or Inspectors to inspect or pass any Hogshead or Par-
cel of Tobacco, at any Time between the Twentieth Day of August,
and the First Day of November yearly, unless such Hogshead or
Parcel of Tobacco be brought to, and left at, the said Inspection
House, on or before the said Twentieth Day of August yearly, and