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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1752-1754
Volume 50, Page 361   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 361

that if any Inspector or Inspectors, shall presume to inspect or pass
any Hogshead, or Parcel of Tobacco, between the said Twentieth
Day of August, and the First Day of November yearly, he or they

Liber H. S.
No. I

so offending, shall forfeit and pay Twenty Shillings Current Money,
for every Hundred Pounds of Tobacco so by him or them inspected,

p. 101

to be recovered, if the same does not exceed the Sum of Ten Pounds
Current Money, before any Magistrate in the County where the
Offence shall be committed, as in Case of small Debts; and if the
Penalty exceeds the said Sum of Ten Pounds, then to be recovered
in the Court of the said County, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or
Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law,
shall be allowed; the One Half of all which Penalties shall be applied
to the Use of the Informer, or such Person who shall sue for the
same, and the other Half thereof to the several and respective
Counties, to defray the Expence that may accrue in the due Execu-
tion of this Act.

and how re-

And be it likewise Enacted, That where Plaintiff or Defendant in
any Suit now commenced, or that shall hereafter be commenced, in
any Court within this Province, in whose Favour any Judgment
shall be given, so as to intitle such Plaintiff or Defendant to his or
her Cost, and who shall pay the said Cost in Current Money of this
Province, as regulated by this Act, in all such Cases it shall and may
be lawful for the Party against whom such Judgment shall be ren-
dered, and he, or she, is hereby enabled to discharge all, or so much
of the said Cost, in Current Money as aforesaid, at the Rate of
Twelve Shillings and Six Pence per Centum as shall be really and
bona fide paid, by the Party in whose Favour such Judgment for
Cost shall be given; any Law to the contrary in any wise not-

may be paid
at 12 s 6d.
per Cent, if
paid in

And be it further Enacted, That from and after the Eleventh Day
of December next, Jonas Green, of the City of Annapolis, Printer,
shall be allowed, by the several and respective County Courts, at the
laying their County Levy, the Sum of Forty Shillings Current
Money, per Annum, for each Inspection respectively, for printing
and delivering a sufficient Number of Books, Notes, and Manifests,
for the Inspectors of each Inspection, within their Counties re-

to the
Printer for
Books and
Notes, 40 s.
for each

And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent,
aforesaid, That the several Justices of the County Courts within
this Province, shall, as their respective Courts to be held for the
Month of March next, enquire who are the Proprietors or Owners
of the several Warehouses, within their respective Counties, which
were established in Virtue of the Laws now in being, for inspecting
Tobacco, and are hereby continued to be Warehouses for the In-
spection of Tobacco, and shall cause such Owners and Proprietors
respectively, to enter into Bond, in the Penalty of Two Hundred

[Justices to
enquire who
are Owners
of Ware-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1752-1754
Volume 50, Page 361   View pdf image (33K)
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