Acts. 359
short a Time as may be convenient, an Account of such Charge in
Words at length. And that all Under-Clerks and Deputies, writing
in any the Offices aforesaid, or doing Service in them, shall by the
Time aforesaid, or before they enter into any of the Services afore-
said, before some Provincial or County Magistrate who is hereby
authorized and required to administer the same), take the following
Liber H. S.
No. I
Clerks to be
Oath, under the Penalty of Five Thousand Pounds of Tobacco for
every such Refusal or Neglect, to be recovered in any Court of
Record within this Province, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or
Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law, shall
be allowed, nor more than one Imparlance; the one Half to the
Informer, or him or them that will sue for the same, and the other
Half to the Use of the County where such Neglect or Refusal shall
happen, towards defraying the Charge of carrying this Act into
[Penalty for
refusing to
Execution, viz. You A. B. do swear, that you will not, for Lucre
or Malice, delay any Person or Persons applying to you for any Busi-
ness belonging to the Office you officiate in; and that you will not,
directly or indirectly, ask, demand, take, or receive from, or charge
to, any such Person or Persons, to your own Use except (your
Salary from your Principal), any Fee or Reward whatsoever, for
any Service you shall do as Clerk of the said Office: And also that
in making out the Office Fees, you will not wittingly or willingly
charge other or higher Fees, than limitted by the Act entituled, An
Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in
his Majesty's Customs, and for Limitation of Officers Fees.
[The Oath.]
Which said Oaths beforementioned, shall be severally returned by
the Magistrate before whom the same shall be taken, to the Pro-
p. 99
vincial or County Offices, as the Case shall require, and be there
entered on Record. And that all and every Person or Persons,
claiming Right to any Fee or Fees, allowed by this Act, shall be
obliged to set up and affix in the most public Place of his Office, a
Table of Fees, to the Intent that all Persons concerned may have
Recourse to the same.
[Oath to be
[Table of
Fees to be
set up.]
And be it further Enacted, That no Officer or Officers herein
beforementioned, under the Penalty aforesaid, to be recovered as
aforesaid, shall make or send out their Fees on Execution but once
in every Year, and that between the First Day of December, and
the Tenth Day of January yearly, during the Continuance of this
[Time of
sending out
Fees on
Act. And that the Party or Parties charged, their Persons, Goods,
or Chattetls, shall not be executed for any of the aforesaid Fees,
unless their Accounts be delivered them at or before the last Day
of February, in any Year they shall be demanded.
to be deliv-
ered before
the last of
And be it further Enacted, That wherever and Deputy-Surveyor
returns a Certificate or Certificates, for the Examination of the
Examiner-General, and that the same shall be found erroneous, that
in such Case, the Party for whose Use such Survey is made, shall
not be burthened with double Fees, either by the Examiner-General
made by
the Extra
Fees how