Council of Maryland, 1781-1782. 79
[Council to Colo Moses Rawlings]
The Time having elapsed, in which you engaged to pay the Money
for Provisions supplied you, and our Distresses rather increasing,
induce us to request an immediate Compliance with your Contract,
either by Payment of the Specie, or an Order on Robert Morris Esqr
for the Balance due on the Contract
February 16
Liber No. 78
p. 328
[Council to General Smallwood.]
We have directed Colo Smith to deliver to your Order, three thou-
sand Mexican Dollars, received by him from Mr Steward. We have
no Specie. If you will purchase the Blank Books and Paper in the
first Instance, out of any Money in your Hands, it can hereafter be
replaced, if necessary.
[Council to Colo Samuel Smith]
We request you to deliver to General Smallwood, or to his Order,
the three thousand Mexican Dollars which you received from Mr
Steward on Account of the State, and transmit us a Receipt therefor.
[Council to Honble Robert Morris]
We are honored with yours of the 6th Instant, with sundry En-
closures. Nothing but our very great Distress for Specie, which we
could not otherwise obtain, for the most urgent Occasions, induced
us to contract with Colo Rawlings for the Articles which we could have
delivered over to the Continent to so much greater Advantage. Our
Distresses stil existing, and indeed, rather increased than diminished,
we have it not in our Power to relinquish the Contract. We will
therefore take Colo Rawlings's Bill on you for the Amount; mean
Time we should be greatly obliged to you, if you would advance to
the Honble Messrs Hanson & Carroll, one hundred Pounds each, to
be deducted out of the Bill.
[Council to Capt George p. Keeports]
We request you to deliver to His Excellency the Governor, the
Money arising from the Sale of the Bar Iron, which you were re-
quested to sell for the State
Monday 18th February 1782
Permission is hereby given Robert Gilchrist of Caroline County
to solicit His Excellency General Washington or the Commanding
Officer at the Out Posts of the American Army for licence to go into
the City of New York for the purposes of obtaining a passage from
thence to Scotland not to return to this State during the present War
February 18
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 224