Paroles, 196, 334.
Parramore, John, 46, 318, 504.
Parran, Richard, 39.
Parrott, Richard, 338.
Parsons, John, 99.
Parsons dues, 467.
Passports, 132, 139, 258, 298,
352, 359, 372, 385, 386.
Patapsco River, viij, 380.
Patents, land office, see Land
Patowmack River, 33, 148, 336.
Patrick, George, 366; John, 45,
331, 453, 465, 466, 468-
Patsey Rutledge, see Vessels.
Patten, Capt., 377; Thomas,
Patterson, David, 200, 247;
George, 27; James, 127, 271,
290; Thomas, 139.
Pattison, Elizabeth, 156; Sarah,
Patuxent River, viii, 6, n, 26,
106, 267, 360, 361, 366, 452.
Pay and paymasters, 227, 239,
329, 405, 507.
Payment of debts, 241.
Payment of Orders on Trea-
sury, 317.
Payne, Barney, n, 101; George,
7, 154; Ignatius, n, 109;
James, 220; John, 182; Wil-
liam, n, 425.
Pay rolls, 51, 117, 121, 127, 130,
159, 160, 162, 166, 167, 168,
172, 174, 183, 184, 202, 225,
295, 419, 432, 450, 492-
Peace (between Great Britain
and the U. S.), 330, 336, 364,
376, 39i, 447; articles of (pre-
liminary), vii, 407; articles of
(definitive), sogfi.; commis-
sion of, 383; French assent
for, 364; proclamation of,
398ff., 5i6.
Pearce, Hugh, n, 114; John,
n, 114; Nathaniel, 418.
Pearson, Edward, 266.
Pecker, George, 348.
Pedicourt, Joseph, 150.
Pellett & Co., William, 543.
Pembroke, George, 201.
Pendergast, Lieut., 180, 396;
William, 98, 104, 233, 326,
Penfold, George, 10, 177.
Penn, Edward, 42.
Pennewell, Elias, 10.
Pennington, William, 78.
Pennsylvania, x, 32, 37, 81, 159,
213, 474, 510, 519, 523, 541,
542; Executive of, 550;
Judges of Supreme Court of,
527; Line, 523; President of,
536, 537, 547-
Penny, John, 245.
Pension, 458.
Pepper, Elijah, 282.
Perkins, John, n, 129; see also
Brown, Perkins & Buchanan.
Perkinson, Edward, 245.
Perman, Martin De, 198.
Perry (Perrie), John, 407;
Simon, 22, 78; William, 224,
403; William Aug., 356.
Perseverence, see Vessels.
Peter, Robert, 61, 114.
Peters, Edward, 247.
Phacall, John, 471.
Phebus, John, 123.
Phelps, Archibald, 208.
Phenix, see Vessels.
Philadelphia, 25, 37, 48, 50, 90,
104, no, 125, 128, 203, 207,
212, 213, 215, 218, 223, 227,
238, 250, 272, 273, 275, 292,
293, 3", 3i8, 321, 330, 334,
335, 357, 393, 400, 454, 523,
527, 537-
Philipeaux Isle, 510.
Phillips, James, 45, 331, 504.
Philpot, Thomas, 83.
Philson, Samuel, 457.
Phips, John, 464.
Physicians, Surgeons, Surgeons'
Mates, 42, 43, 44, 86, 105, 121,
159, 222, 225, 419, 499.
Picaroons, 218, 228.
Pickering, Robert, 161.
Piercy, William, 161, 189.
Pig iron, 452.
Pike, William, 1 1, 101.
Pilots, 238.
Pindell (Pindle), Dr., 179, 448;
Richard, 140.
Pinkney, Priscilla, 263, 427.
Pinter, Thomas, n.
Piper, Jacob, 174, James, 520.
Plane, Jacob, 2.
Plant, John, 58.
Plater, see Vessels.
Plater, Col., 366; George, 316.
Platford, Edward, 113.
Plowden, Edmund, 6, 49, 53,
188, 189, 387, 479; Francis,
386, 414; Henrietta, 414.
Plowman, Jonathan, 545; Rich-
ard, 71.
Plumbly, George, 8.
Plummer, Cupid, 156; Ebediah,
Plunkett, see Vessels.
Poe, —— , 49, 155; David, 5, 16,
48, 180, 259, 273, 287, 301;
George, 429.
Pointer, Thomas, 177.
Pole Cat, see Vessels.
Police, internal, 21.
Polk, Gillis, 45.
Pollemus, Joseph, 454.
Pollock, John, 414.
Polly, see Vessels.
Ponsonby, Richard, 89.
Pool, John, 39.
Poole, —— , 40; Thomas Sam-
uel, 189.
Poor house, 75, 150.
Popham, Benjamin, n, 109.
Poplar Island, 148, 366.
Pork, 13, 24, 28, 35, 56, 116, 129,
206, 272, 331, 358, 387-
Porpoise (Porpus), see Vessels.
Porter, Andrew, 38; James, 38 ;
Nathaniel, 412, 413.
Portley, John, 318.
Posey, Belain, 321; Roger, 123 ;
Zachariah, 123.
Postage, 164, 272, 343; see also
Expresses; Posts, line of.
Postley, John, 46, 190, 504.
Postmaster General, see Haz-
ard, Ebenezer.
Posts, Line of, 37, 250, 251; see
also Expresses.
Potomack (Potowmack) River,
91, 93, 97, 103, 443-
Pots, 77.
Potter, Nathaniel, 318; Zebdiel
(Zabdiel), 45, 101, 223, 318,
319, 34i, 371, 503.
Potts, Richard, 93, 172, 183,
Poulson, Andrew, 269; Corne-
lius, 282; James, 269.
Pounds, current, passim; ster-
ling, passim.
Powder, 113, 116, 196, 423, 426,
427, 478.
Power of Executive, 278ff.,
Power to arrest, magisterial or
judicial, 551.
Prather, Charles, 46, 331, 502;
Richard, 414.
Pratt, William, 120.
Prerogative office, original pa-
pers of, 492.
Presbury (Prestbury), George
Goldsmith, 44, 341, 383, 502.
President of Congress, 178, 213,
299, 416, 439, 5io.
Preston, Benjamin, 200; Mary,
Price, Col., 35, 235; James, 45 ;
Josiah, 167; Neale, 27;
Thomas, 14, 36, 45, 55, 107,
205, 221, 312, 346; Vincent,
27, 298; William, 526.
Prickers, 116.
Priming wire for cannon, 151.
Prince George's County, 6, 10,
14, 18, 23, 32, 37, 39, 44, 83,
no, 159, 164, 208, 259, 295,
299, 325, 339, 383, 407, 432,
Pringle, —— , 6, 105, 149;
Mark, 216; see also Pringle
& Wilson; Ridley & Pringle.
Pringle & Wilson, 357.
Printing, 197; of laws, 434-
Prish, David, 52.
Prisley, Mary, 286.
Prison ships, vii, viii, x, 20, 192,
293, 385.
Prisoners, 12, 23, 24, 30, 31,
32, 33, 35, 55, 68, 71, 72, 91,
92, 93, 94, 98, 101, 102, 103,
no, in, 121, 130, 140, 172,
175, 192, 195, 202, 207, 209,